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    С уважением, администрация форума Old-Games.RU
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Forum rules. Read or die.

Тема в разделе "International Zone", создана пользователем Virgil, 6 янв 2008.

Статус темы:
  1. Virgil Администратор



    2 янв 2005
    This is a general discussion forum (for now), so you can create threads about our site, forum, computer games, searching for them, playing them and all the various related technical problems.
    The common language in this forum section is English, but you are welcome to use any other tongues here - however, we have to admit that the probability of someone answering you in any languages beside English or Russian is rather minimal. Unless, of course, you are going to establish a whole community of your fellow countrymen on our forum - and that you are welcome to do as well.

    About posting:

    - We don't prohibit swearing, but insulting other forum members will not be tolerated and will lead to warning/ban.
    - Don't misuse capital letters, punctuation marks and smilies in your posts. Smiley-only posts are a bad, bad thing.
    - Don't write posts in red color - it is reserved for moderators and administrators.
    - Don't abuse quoting and multiquoting. It's generally considered stupid to quote a whole lengthy post just to comment a certain phrase in it. Please quote only the portion of the post your own post will be directed at.
    - Flooding and flaming are forbidden.
    - Advertisement/spam is forbidden as well. If you feel that you really really have to advertise something, make sure to clear it with the admins first, or you're going straight to the ban zone. And we've heard the food's really bad over there, so you'd best keep that from happening.
    - Also, it is forbidden to post download links for new games (2007 and newer), pornography, viruses, and any other illegal materials.

    About creating of new topics:

    - Prior to starting a new topic, make sure to use the forum's "Search" function to check whether or not a thread about this issue already exists. We reserve the right to close and/or delete threads with duplicate questions.
    - DO NOT start topics with general titles like "HELP!!", "I have a problem!!1" or "I'm looking for this one game...". The more specific you will be, the higher the chance you will get the help you're looking for.


    - If you want to talk with another forum member off a particular topic - use private messaging system, ICQ, E-mail. Do NOT turn the forums into a chat room, please.
    - Check sticky topics first, as they generally contain important information. Fancy that.
    - It is forbidden to post in topics, which were inactive for more than 6 months, without a good enough reason. I.e. "There's a an update about this problem!" is allowed, but "Yeah, your last post was great!" is not.
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 10 янв 2017
    CY8R4Y, Nightingale, Timur и 14 другим нравится это.
  3. VladimIr V Y Анимешник/Ретроманьяк

    VladimIr V Y

    27 май 2006
    Now this is a funny typo. Or it isn't? =)
    And an apostrophe in admin's is needed too.
  4. Noelemahc Призрак из п(р)ошлого



    24 июн 2002
    VladimIr V Y, fixed. And the admins seldom get their fists dirty. We got special tools for that, you know... :)
  5. ShAdoo00w Uncle Fester


    13 июн 2007
    How much englich speaker people in forum? xD
    So I ask it because I think that not many.Thats why this forum is not useful.
  6. Lysen I eat supermutants!


    10 сен 2006
    In that case your thanks are misplaced :) At last, it's a place to speak English not violating the Russian section forum rules.

    IMHO, you are not right after all: many of us could speak English (I believe) and some of us are living abroad, mainly in English-speaking countries.
  7. Low_Pressure Titanium Helmet of Musicianship owner



    1 окт 2005
    From now we may (should?) begin a massive PR-campaign to gain popularity of OGr in english-speaking old-gamers' circles from the rest 7/8 of the world.
    DOS навсегда нравится это.
  8. Halfer


    11 дек 2007
    a zdes mozno pisat translitom???
  9. ShAdoo00w Uncle Fester


    13 июн 2007
    ROLF xD

    Maybe create German,Franch,Japan and etc forums ? It will be fun xD:spiteful:
    And everybody can prove their knowledge of different language xDDD
    Последнее редактирование: 8 янв 2008
  10. VladimIr V Y Анимешник/Ретроманьяк

    VladimIr V Y

    27 май 2006

    This forum is made for english-speaking people. They will not understand the translit.

    Зис форум из мэйд фор инглиш-спикин пипл. Зей вил нот андерстенд зе транслит.
    Написано кирилицей то же самое, но ты поймёшь что-нибудь, не зная английского? Нет. Поэтому транслитом нельзя. English only.
    CY8R4Y нравится это.
  11. Yerofea просто Yerofea


    Переводчик Legacy

    9 янв 2006
    Maybe we should start a few topics? The section looks so empty... For example, a topic like "Newcomers welcome!" (yes, we have something like in the Flame section) could attract some english-speaking novices. The point is that we're here not to boast and prove our abilities, but to make o-g forum available for foreighners.
    CY8R4Y нравится это.
  12. Slotered


    23 окт 2007
    Great Idea! I think that creating this section of forum is very important! And what about themes of this section, a? Like section "Games" or more "Flame"?
  13. Skirmish


    20 июн 2006
    "Read or die" is unfriendly slogan. Be peacefully. :wacko:

    P.S. My English is terrific, I know.
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