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[RuSCI] KQ4 - Нужна помощь

Тема в разделе "Переводы своими руками", создана пользователем Nick.Jr, 15 июн 2004.

  1. Nick.Jr Гость


    Ситуация такова:

    есть у меня KQ4 SCI-римейк, но на нем стоит защита, требует найти нужное слово в инструкции.

    Инструкцию я не сумел найти в сети и пришлось лезть во внутренности игры.

    Нашел скрипт, который отвечает за защиту, со всеми вопросами (79 вопросов), но не смог понять в исходнике скрипта куда он ссылается и к каким именно строкам словаря лезет за ответами :(

    Очень нужна помощь либо с ответами на вопросы, либо в ковырянии злополучного скрипта


    - On page 2, what is the fourth word of the first sentence?

    - On page 2, what is the fourth word of the second paragraph?

    - On page 3, what is the fourth word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 3, what is the sixth word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 3, what is the fourth word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 3, what is the third word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 8, what is the first word of the first paragraph?

    - On page 3, what is the seventh word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 3, what is the last word of the third paragraph?

    - On page 4, what is the third word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 4, what is the last word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 4, what is the sixth word of the first paragraph?

    - On page 3, what is the eighth word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 4, what is the seventh word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 4, what is the third word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 4, what is the eighth word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 5, what is the fifth word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 5, what is the second word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 5, what is the fourth word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 5, what is the ninth word in the fifth paragraph?

    - On page 6, what is the third word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 6, what is the fifth word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 6, what is the sixth word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 7, what is the first word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 7, what is the tenth word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 7, what is the third word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 7, what is the fifth word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 7, what is the second word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 8, what is the fifth word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 8, what is the last word of the first sentence in the first paragraph?

    - On page 6, what is the last word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 8, what is the second word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 8, what is the sixth word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 8, what is the ninth word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 9, what is the third word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 9, what is the fourth word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 9, what is the seventh word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 6, what is the fourth word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 6, what is the eighth word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 9, what is the seventh word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 5, what is the seventh word in the fifth paragraph?

    - On page 2, what is the sixth word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 2, what is the eighth word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 3, what is the tenth word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 4, what is the second word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 4, what is the fourth word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 5, what is the third word in the second paragraph?

    - On page 5, what is the eighth word in the third paragraph?

    - On page 5, what is the eighth word in the fourth paragraph?

    - On page 6, what is the ninth word in the first paragraph?

    - On page 7, what is the ninth word of the third paragraph?

    - What is the second word of the first paragraph in the OVERVIEW?

    - What is the first word of the second paragraph in the OVERVIEW?

    - What is the third word of the second paragraph in the OVERVIEW?

    - What is the sixth word of the first paragraph in the OVERVIEW?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the first word of tip #1 (HOW TO MOVE AROUND)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the sixth word of tip #1 (HOW TO MOVE AROUND)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the fifth word in the first paragraph of tip #2 (STAY OUT OF DANGER)

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the eighth word in the second paragraph of tip #2 (STAY OUT OF DANGER)

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the fourth word in the second paragraph of tip #2 (STAY OUT OF DANGER)

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the first word of tip #3 (BE OBSERVANT)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the fourth word of tip #3 (BE OBSERVANT)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the last word of tip #3 (BE OBSERVANT)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the last word of tip #1 (HOW TO MOVE AROUND)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the first word of tip #4 (MAP YOUR PROGRESS)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the fifth word of tip #4 (MAP YOUR PROGRESS)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the seventh word of tip #4 (MAP YOUR PROGRESS)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the ninth word of tip #4 (MAP YOUR PROGRESS)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the fourth word of tip #5 (BRING ALONG SOME HELP)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the seventh word of tip #5 (BRING ALONG SOME HELP)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the ninth word of tip #5 (BRING ALONG SOME HELP)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the last word of tip #5 (BRING ALONG SOME HELP)?

    - What is the last word starting with "b" in the verb list?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the last word of tip #7 (LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the fourth word in the first paragraph of tip #8 (AT THE END OF YOUR ROPE)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the sixth word in the first paragraph of tip #8 (AT THE END OF YOUR ROPE)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the third word in the second paragraph of tip #8 (AT THE END OF YOUR ROPE)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the last word in the first paragraph of tip #8 (AT THE END OF YOUR ROPE)?

    - In the section TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS, what is the eighth word in the first paragraph of tip #2 (STAY OUT OF DANGER)?
  3. Эдельран Гость


    Хм. Интересное дело. Вообще первый раз слышу о KQ4 на SCI. :unsure: Где достал-то такую редкость?

    Теперь по дело. Попробуй SCI Script Disassembler, который Brian Provinciano недавно опубликовал на своем сайте. Дам даже есть 2 уже вскрытых скрипта для KQ4. http://www.bripro.com/ . Или пошли ресурсы игры мне, я попробую поковыряться.
  4. Эдельран Гость


    Хм. Что-то я поглядел так на этот KQ4 и думаю... А почему ремейк-то? :huh: Вроде обычная версия KQ4. Она же изначально и была на SCI 01. Так что, не мучайся - лучше поиграй в русскую версию того же KQ4 без всяких защит. Могу скинуть по мылу.
  5. Nick.Jr Гость


    Обязательно сбрось, если не трудно, буду очень признателен

    я думал что в природе такого чуда не бывает :)
  6. Эдельран Гость


    Гы. Парни, приношу извенения - у меня KQ3 Rus. :D У меня с экзаменами определенно едет крыша.
  7. Farlander


    16 апр 2008
    Слушай, я могу тебе скинуть картинку (80 кб) с ответами на вопрос. А кстати, насколько я знаю, версия SCI - оригинал, а потом сделали римэйк в AGI, так как не у всех были мышки, звуковая карта, и вообще памяти.
  8. Nick.Jr Гость


    Вот, может кому-нибудь тоже понадобится:

    page 2, 4 word, 1 sentence - LEGEND

    page 2, 4 word, 2 paragraph - KINGDOM

    page 2, 6 word, 2 paragraph - DAVENTRY

    page 2, 8 word, 2 paragraph - LIVED

    page 3, 10 word, 1 paragraph - KNIGHTS

    page 3, 3 word, 2 paragraph - RETURN

    page 3, 4 word, 1 paragraph - BRAVEST

    page 3, 4 word, 3 paragraph - VENTURED

    page 3, 6 word, 1 paragraph - MOST

    page 3, 7 word, 3 paragraph -

    page 3, 8 word, 3 paragraph - DARED

    page 3, last word, 3 paragraph - CROWN

    page 4, 2 word, 2 paragraph - WOULD

    page 4, 3 word, 1 paragraph - RULED

    page 4, 3 word, 3 paragraph - MIST

    page 4, 4 word, 3 paragraph - CLEARED

    page 4, 6 word, 1 paragraph - LAND

    page 4, 7 word, 1 paragraph -

    page 4, 8 word, 3 paragraph - IMAGE

    page 4, last word, 3 paragraph - VELVET

    page 5, 2 word, 3 paragraph - MIRROR

    page 5, 3 word, 2 paragraph - HEART

    page 5, 4 word, 1 paragraph - TEARS

    page 5, 5 word, 2 paragraph - SUDDENLY

    page 5, 7 word, 5 paragraph - GRAHAM

    page 5, 8 word, 3 paragraph - VOWED

    page 5, 8 word, 4 paragraph - VOICE

    page 5, 9 word, 5 paragraph - INDEED

    page 6, 3 word, 1 paragraph - MARRIED

    page 6, 4 word, 2 paragraph - WITHIN

    page 6, 5 word, 1 paragraph -

    page 6, 6 word, 2 paragraph - FORESTS

    page 6, 8 word, 2 paragraph - RUMBLINGS

    page 6, 9 word, 1 paragraph - RESCUED

    page 6, last word, 2 paragraph - TERROR

    page 7, 1 word, 1 paragraph - MEANWHILE

    page 7, 10 word, 1 paragraph - WIZARD

    page 7, 2 word, 3 paragraph - WOULD

    page 7, 3 word, 2 paragraph - SOLITUDE

    page 7, 5 word, 2 paragraph - POWERFUL

    page 7, 9 word, 3 paragraph - FEAR

    page 8, 1 word, 1 paragraph - TIME

    page 8, 2 word, 3 paragraph - ENTIRE

    page 8, 5 word, 1 paragraph - CHANGES

    page 8, 6 word, 3 paragraph - RESCUE

    page 8, 9 word, 3 paragraph - DOWNFALL

    page 8, last word, 1 sentence in the 1 paragraph - SORROW

    page 9, 3 word, 1 paragraph - LEGEND

    page 9, 4 word, 1 paragraph - SHORTLY

    page 9, 7 word, 1 paragraph - RESCUE

    page 9, 7 word, 2 paragraph - NOBLEST


    1 word, tip 1 (HOW TO MOVE AROUND) - BASIC

    1 word, tip 3 (BE OBSERVANT) - LOOK

    1 word, tip 4 (MAP YOUR PROGRESS) - DRAW

    3 word, 2 paragraph, tip 8 (AT THE END OF YOUR ROPE) - REASON

    4 word, tip 3 (BE OBSERVANT) - EXAMINE

    4 word, tip 5 (BRING ALONG SOME HELP) - TAMIR

    4 word, 1 paragraph, tip 8 (AT THE END OF YOUR ROPE) - EVERY

    4 word, 2 paragraph, tip 2 (STAY OUT OF DANGER) - ENCOUNTER

    5 word, tip 4 (MAP YOUR PROGRESS) - INCLUDES

    5 word, 1 paragraph, tip 2 (STAY OUT OF DANGER) - NATURE

    6 word, tip 1 (HOW TO MOVE AROUND) - INTERACT

    6 word, 1 paragraph, tip 8 (AT THE END OF YOUR ROPE) - TRICK

    7 word, tip 4 (MAP YOUR PROGRESS) - PLACE


    8 word, 1 paragraph, tip 2 (STAY OUT OF DANGER) - ADVENTURE

    8 word, 2 paragraph, tip 2 (STAY OUT OF DANGER) - CHARACTER

    9 word, tip 4 (MAP YOUR PROGRESS) - VISIT

    9 word, tip 5 (BRING ALONG SOME HELP) - NIGHT

    last word, tip 1 (HOW TO MOVE AROUND) -

    last word, tip 3 (BE OBSERVANT) - CLUES

    last word, tip 5 (BRING ALONG SOME HELP) - TEAMS

    last word, tip 7 (LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED) - FUNCTION

    last word, 1 paragraph, tip 8 (AT THE END OF YOUR ROPE) - SPELL


    1 word, 2 paragraph - EACH

    2 word, 1 paragraph - SIERRA

    3 word, 2 paragraph - ANIMATED

    6 word, 1 paragraph - GAME


    Last word starting with "b" - BRIDLE

    Спасибо Farlander за пароли
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