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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic KotOR 1 Restoration 1.0

Тема в разделе "Переводы своими руками", создана пользователем Sherhan007, 7 окт 2015.

  1. Sherhan007


    9 июл 2013
    Есть у кого желание перевести KotOR 1 Restoration 1.0?
    описание на английском
    KotOR 1 Restoration 1.0
    » KotOR 1 Restoration 1.0 OFFICIAL Read-Me
    NAME: KotOR 1 Restoration 1.0 OFFICIAL
    TYPE: Restoration
    DATE RELEASED: June, 15, 2015
    KOTOR 1 RESTORATION FORUMS: http://deadlystream.co…otor1-restoration-k1r/


    The KotOR 1 Restoration Mod is an attempt to restore almost all the content that was cut from the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by BioWare Corp. Of course, these restorations will be within reason and things that were cut because they did not fit with the plot, and cannot be made to fit with the plot, will most definitley NOT be restored.

    Most of the content that can be restored has been. This includes content for literally every planet.

    - Impossible Difficulty, a cut option for difficulty that is harder than the Vanilla "Hard" difficulty
    - Carth dialogue when the PC first awakens on Taris, Carth makes a few comments about the PC's injuries. (Thanks to zbyl2 for this!)
    - Lower City, numerous restorations to the Lower City
    - Under City, numerous restorations to the Under City
    - Restoration of the Black Vulkar Base Sublevel
    - Restored Droid Items
    - Restoration of some dialgoue with Niklos in the Uppper City Cantina
    - Restoration of the Duel Ring announcer in the Taris Upper City Cantina. The announcer will be available to speak to in between fights.
    - Zaerdra Swoop Platform Dialogue, Zaerdra will make some final comments to the PC on the prototype accelerator before intitiating your first run with it
    - Sith Base, numerous restorations
    - Sarna and Yun Genda are available to talk to members of the same sex and can be used to further the plot of Taris. Albeit, in different ways than they normally do.
    - Iriaz Restoration, returns the Iriaz to the plains of Dantooine. (Thanks to Seamhiann for this!)
    - Garrum and Tar'eelok Restoration, returns a cut padawan and master to the Jedi Enclave. (Thanks to Seamhiann for this!)
    - Restoration of cut items within the Jedi Enclave
    - Shen and Rahashia Indecent Proposal, the PC can make a rather indecent, and awkward, proposal to either Shen or Rahasia depending upon the PC's gender.
    - The file called plc_glowpudl.utp had the name of "Glowing Puddle" however when placed in game it looked like a blood puddle. The model file and textures have been changed so now the glowing puddle placeable makes a glowing puddle of green liquid. It can be seen in the new module, tar_m03ac, or the swoop platform non-racing version.
    - Modified Iriaz from Seamhiann's modules so there were less of them, they fought against the Kath Hounds, and usually stayed in their small areas.
    - Restored Crattis dialogue to sell lightsaber crystals.
    - A swathe of Jawa-work on Tatooine.
    - Restored dialogue with Bastila's Mother.
    - Restored shape-shifting for Genoharadan Rulan on Kashyyk.
    - Pazaak Tournament on Manaan.
    - Restored Party Dialogue on Sea Floor.
    - Alternate way into Sith Base on Manaan.
    - Funny dialogue with bartender on Korriban.
    - Alternate route on Leviathan.
    - Goodies on Unknown World, including restored Injured Sith Apprentice.
    - Restored Female Dark Side Ending.
    - Restored the True Form of the Sith Armor Quest on Taris

    There weren't too many bugs in KotOR 1, thus there is such a short list.

    - Fixed female Jedi on Dantooine so she'd keep on walking after talking to her.

    описание на русском
    Most of the content that can be restored has been. This includes content for literally every planet.

    - "Невозможный" уровень сложности (Impossible) — вырезанный из релизной версии игры режим, представляющий более высокую сложность, чем просто "Сложный" (Hard).
    - Восстановлены фразы в диалоге с Картом Онаси при первом пробуждении игрока на Тарисе (по поводу травм, полученных персонажем).
    - Много восстановленного в Нижнем Городе (Lower City).
    - Много восстановленного в Подземном Городе (Under City).
    - Восстановлен нижний уровень базы Чёрных Вулкаров (Black Vulkar Base Sublevel).
    - Восстановлен ряд предметов для дроидов.
    - Восстановлен диалоговый контент с Никлосом (Niklos) в кантине Верхнего Города (Uppper City).
    - Восстановлен персонаж, оповещающий о проведении боёв на дуэльном ринге в кантине Верхнего Города — теперь с ним можно пообщаться между матчами.
    - Восстановлен диалоговый контент Зейрдры (Zaerdra) на платформе свуп-байков, теперь этот персонаж оставит несколько комментариев о прототипном ускорителе для двигателя перед вашим первым заездом с ним.
    - Много восстановленного на Базе Ситов.
    - Сарна (Sarna) и Йун Генда (Yun Genda) теперь доступны для общения персонажам одинакового с ними пола, что может быть использовано для продвижения по сюжету на Тарисе (хотя и немного не так, как было в обычном варианте).
    - Живность Дантуина пополнилась восстановленными ириазами.
    - Восстановлены персонажи Гаррум (Garrum) и Тар’илок (Tar'eelok) — вырезанные из игры Падаван и Магистр вернулись в Анклав Джедаев.
    - Восстановлен ряд вырезанных предметов в Анклаве Джедаев.
    - При разрешении конфликта, связанного с Шеном и Рахашией на Дантуине, игрок может сделать не слишком приятное предложение одному из персонажей (в зависимости от пола персонажа игрока).
    - Файл под названием plc_glowpudl.utp был обозначен как «Светящаяся Лужица» (Glowing Puddle), а при помещении в игру выглядел, как кровь. Файл модели и текстуры были изменены, так что теперь в местах возникновения данного элемента создаётся светящаяся лужица из зелёной жидкости. Её можно лицезреть в новом игры модуле (tar_m03ac), или в не-гоночной версии платформы свуп-байков.
    - Восстановленные ириазы подвергнуты доработке, с целью балансировки их численности и поведения (они могут драться с кат-хаундами и всегда остаются в своём "ареале обитания").
    - Восстановления в диалоге с Крэттисом (Crattis), теперь у него можно покупать кристаллы для световых мечей.
    - Восстановлено нечто, над чем поработали джавы на Татуине.
    - Восстановления в диалоге с матерью Бастилы.
    - Восстановлена возможность изенять форму у Рулана на Кашиике.
    - Восстановлен турнир по пазааку на Манаане.
    - Восстановлена партийная диалоговая часть при нахождении на "морском" этаже Манаана.
    - Теперь на базу ситов на Манаане можно попасть другим путём.
    - Восстановлен забавный диалоговый контент с торговцем на Коррибане.
    - Восстановлен альтернативный маршрут на Левиафане.
    - Разное восстановленное добро в Неизвестном мире, включая Раненого сита-ученика (Injured Sith Apprentice).
    - Восстановлена альтернативная концовка Тёмной Стороны для персонажей женского пола.
    - Восстановлен квест "Истинный облик Доспеха Ситов" (True Form of the Sith Armor) на Тарисе.


    Примечание: Команда разработчиков K1R не несут ответственности за любые проблемы несовместимости с какими либо модами и присадками, на данном этапе списка совместимых с проектом модов нет, так что настоятельно рекомендуется ставить его на чистую игру и проходить только с ним. Не забудьте отключить автообновление игры в стиме!

    49265 := [Failure] I better take it easy - I've got a shift tomorrow and I don't want to end up passed out on the floor.
    49266 := [Failure] I better take it easy - I've got a shift tomorrow and I don't want to end up passed out on the floor.
    49267 := I was in my room, minding my own business with the lastest copy of Pazaak Weekly - checking out the listings for the big tournament - when I heard a blaster shot.
    49268 := Greetings to you, off-worlder. Are you here as a spectator, or will you be entering the swoop field as a contender? Or, given the timing, are you here for the Annual Pazaak Tournament?
    49269 := You mentioned a Pazaak Tournament?
    49270 := Yes, I did. Every year, a select group of Selkath come together as a committee, and we hold a Pazaak Tournament.
    49271 := It is open to all who wish to join, though there is a 500-credit entry fee. If you are willing to wait, I will get it started as soon as possible...
    49272 := Yes, I'd like to see this Tournament.
    49273 := I'll pass, thanks.
    49274 := Very well, then. The Tournament begins soon, so this place and the surrounding areas will be cleared for the occasion...
    49275 := One last thing: this Tournament is without teams; you will have to leave your companions behind.
    49276 := Very well, then. Perhaps you'd be interested in something else.
    49277 := Greetings again, Pazaak Champion. Will you be racing today? We're always looking for serious competition for the established riders.
    49278 := SHUTTING DOWN SYSTEM...
    49279 := Swoop Track Coordinator's Office
    49280 := What, what?
    49281 := Oh great! A Human. What is it?
    49282 := My name's Koth'yan. I work for the Taris Bureau of Public Entertainment, specifically the Swoop Racing Department.
    49283 := No, I would not like to add anything else.
    49284 := I get paid minimum wage to sit down in this hell hole of an office and organize all the rosters for the upcoming swoop races.
    49285 := I also double as the medic if anyone gets injured while racing... though my services are rarely required in that respect. Usually if a swoop crashes all that's left is a melted heap of plastoid, plasteel and flesh.
    49286 := Officially, this is the is the Taris Bureau of Public Entertainment's Department of Swoop Racing Lower City Organization Office. Unofficially, this is the worst excuse for an office ever.
    49287 := I don't know! Maybe because the schuttas who make the budgets didn't give as much money to the Department of Swoop Racing as they did to the governor's personal vacation fund. Who cares?
    49288 := Good, good. I need to get back to work.
    49289 := Just take the elevator on the far side of the room.
    49290 := Yes, Human? What is it?
    49291 := Would you like to add anything else?
    49292 := What do you do here?
    49293 := What is this place?
    49294 := Why does this room look like it's an old apartment?
    49295 := I should go.
    49296 := Speaking of which, how do I get to the swoop track?
    49297 := Nothing. I should go.
    49298 := [This door has been locked by a very heavy duty security system, most likely in order to keep the riff-raff out. Given the high concentration of Sith guards around you, it would be best to leave the door be.]
    49299 := It's Zaerdra here. I hope you're reading me. Your swoop run is about to begin. Remember: just hold on tight and try not to smash into anything.
    49300 := Black Vulkar Scavenger
    49301 := And nobody's even out looking for them. Finding those downed escape pods takes priority over everything else, even the lives of a patrol. An order like that isn't good for morale.
    49302 := [Isa is dead and you can no longer reach her.]
    49303 := Isa
    49304 := Wait - don't kill me! I surrender! I surrender! If you let me live, I can make it very profitable for you. I've got the computer codes to unlock the central elevator!
    49305 := You promise to let me go and I'll use the computer to unlock all of the doors on the main level, including the central elevator doors. It'll take you up to the second level.
    49306 := Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to know. Just don't hurt me, okay? Remember, I can make things very profitable for you by unlocking the central elevator.
    49307 := Don't worry. Once I've unlocked the doors, you'll never see me again.
    49308 := The accelerator? It's down in the garage. You have to take the security elevator in the back to get there, but the elevator is protected by thermal-guided laser cannons.
    49309 := The garage is off limits to most of us. Maybe one of the mechanics from the second level can help you out. They've all got access cards to get past the security cannons.
    49310 := I don't know. Maybe if you could crank the heat you could mess up their thermal guidance systems, but Brejik had the heating system disabled. That's why it's so cold in here.
    49311 := I can unlock the central elevator for you, but it only goes up, not down, and security card's the only way to get past the cannons protecting the security elevator to the basement
    49314 := ERROR ERROR!
    49316 := Author: Brejik
    Date: Planetary Revolution 332

    It has come to my attention that there are those with ID access cards that refuse to follow the proper security protocols. Because of this... treachery, as well as our recent acquisition of the prototype swoop accelerator, all current ID cards will no longer be valid in System Shutdown procedures.

    From now on, you must obtain the permission from either Kandon Ark, Caalin Ette, or myself and have one of us enter in the 34-digit alpha-numeric code to disable the security system.

    This a very unfortunate but necessary measure that hah to be taken. I apologize for any inconvenience.

    49317 := Insert the Lieutenant ID card.
    49318 := Insert the Mechanic ID card.
    49319 := [Computer] Slice the computer. (1 spike(s))
    49320 := Black Vulkar Base - Second Level
    49321 := Reinforced Security Door
    49322 := Elevator Pass Codes
    49323 := This is a pass card with the pass codes used to grant access to the elevator to the second level of the Black Vulkar Base.
    49324 := Caalin Ette
    49325 := Vict Jaxx
    49326 := Vrei Yindaru
    49327 := Heavy Security Door
    49328 := Caalin Ette's Strongbox Access Card
    49329 := Repair Notice
    49330 := Caalin, the repairs to your strongbox's keycard have been delayed temporarily. Due to the recent security protocols enacted by Brejik none of the technicians can leave the base until you enter in the 34-digit alpha-numeric pass code. Because of this, we cannot gain access to the refined Frasium that you specifically requested the new wiring be made of.


    Vrei Yindaru - Head Technician

    [This datapad appears to be dated about five days ago, assumedly just after Brejik's new security protocols were put into effect. As you finish reading, you notice that a small durasheet has been affixed to the back of the datapad. It is dated five days ago, as of today. The writing is scrawled hastily on it, and reads as follows:

    Damn Brejik and his new security protocols. No! Damn Kee-Piru Computronics and their damned keycards. Didn't they think that it's possible that a user of one of their keycard security systems would get a keycard near enough to a strong heat source for the internal wiring to melt? Frasium should've been their first choice for the internal wiring to be made of, not Aluminum. Because of their stupidity, I must take the time to go and procure my own sample of Frasium; I don't trust any of my crinking underlings to do it for me. At least I know that no one can get to the magnetic power cell. Even if someone destroyed my strongbox, all that will do is enable the security system? and burn everything inside to a crisp.]

    [As you finish reading the durasheet you notice yet another durasheet under it. It too has the same hasty scrawl, a date that is of three days ago today, and reads as follows: I was able to get the Frasium today but that idiotic Vrei Yindaru estimated that it would take 3 days to get my keycard working properly with the Frasium wiring. How can he be so incompetent? Three days is far too much time for a simple re-wiring job. I swear, if Kandon's little "lover" didn't take so kindly to Vrei, I'd burn him alive. I mean, if that schutta is going to step out on Kandon with anyone, it ought to be me.]
    49331 := Caalin Ette's Office Access Card
    49332 := [This data pad appears to be a message from Brejik to Caalin Ette.]


    The old Mechanic on your level, I forgot his name, he's quite old, mostly bald with a small gray goatee, is a long-time veteran of the Vulkars, and as I'm sure you know, was here long before I was. Because of this, many of the gang members look up to him, and many despise him. Currently he's someone I need to keep alive and friendly with me. So, get close to him. Offer to share drinks, guard his Mechanic ID card when he's off-duty, I really don't care... Just make sure he doesn't get killed, and make sure he doesn't hate you or me.

    49333 := SECURITY NOTICE
    49334 := Vict Jaxx's Personal Journal
    49335 := This data pad appears to be the personal thoughts of Vict Jaxx, a Black Vulkar mechanic. Most entries appear to be mundane complaints, but the last entry is of interest:

    Damn Caalin, he's always on me to fix the heating system without having to disable the turrets upstairs. What he doesn't understand is that ever since Brejik ripped out the magnetic power cell, it's impossible to interact with the air-conditioning unit; and I can't put the power cell back in or the turrets' thermal-targeting programs will go haywire. It's not like I have the power cell anyway; Caalin's got it locked up tight in the Control Room, or what he likes to call his Office.

    Thanks to that, Caalin has said that I?'ve been ?neglecting my dty? and is threatening to kill me for it... Damn ex-military types. Anyway, I'm afraid he'll make his move soon, so I have to make mine first.

    Thanks to a bit of Juma and my wit, I was able to lift the access card to Caalin's office off of one of his guards. I've hidden it in my personal footlocker and locked the locker with this code:

    4x + 3y = 1
    6x - 2y = 8

    One merely needs to enter in the correct values for X and Y, and my footlocker will open.

    Once I'm in Caalin's office, I'll use the thermal detonator and the blaster pistol in my locker and kill that kriffing nerf-herder.

    I must sign off now, some damn fool's knocking on the my door.

    ~Entry 453
    49336 := Caalin Ette's Strongbox
    49337 := Vict Jaxx's Personal Locker
    49338 := Turbine Housing
    49339 := Spice Laboratory
    49340 := Maintenance Bay
    49341 := Alright, there's nothing to fix with the heating system. Brejik just yanked the magnetic power cell out. All you have to do is pop that cell back in and the system is up and running again.
    49342 := Okay, spit it out. You know there's something wrong with the heating in this place, and I want to know how to fix it
    49343 := There's something wrong with the heating system, and you know what it is. Tell me, or you'll see your brains splayed out all over this room.
    49344 := Huh? Who are you? Only lab techs are allowed in this section of the base! You better tell me what you're doing here or I'll call the guards!
    49345 := Look, you should just go. This room is only for lab techs on shift Alpha - there's nothing for you here. All the spice stays in the lab next door. Now get out of here or I'll have to call the guards.
    49346 := Alright that's it, I'm calling the guards! Brejik warned me I might have to protect myself from spice addicts looking to score - looks like he was right!
    49347 := Hey! You not come in here! Brejik say only lab guys come here!
    49348 := Good - you go now or me tell Brejik!
    49349 := You idiot! You can't just let them walk out of here! They might be a Bek spy after our spice!
    49350 := Huh? Them be Bek spy? BEKS DIE NOW!!!
    49351 := [Success] Oh - you lab tech? Okay then.
    49352 := Oh, you idiot! Brejik didn't hire any new lab techs. That's probably a Bek spy!
    49353 := [Success] You give money? That sound good to me!
    49354 := If you take that money I'll tell Brejik you let a Bek spy bribe you!
    49355 := Me not die - you be one who die!
    49356 := Sorry, I'll be going now.
    49357 := [Persuade] I'm the new lab tech Brejik hired.
    49358 := [Persuade] I just want a quick look around. Will 20 credits calm you down?
    49359 := Time for you to die!
    49360 := [Computer] Access Northern Sect Security Cameras
    49361 := [Computer] CAM-401 Northern Barracks 1
    49362 := [Computer] Return to northern camera root menu.
    49363 := [Computer] CAM-402 Northern Barracks 2
    49364 := [Computer] CAM-403 Northern Barracks 3
    49365 := [Computer] CAM-404 Storage Room
    49366 := [Computer] CAM-405 Ventilation Turbine Housing
    49367 := [Computer] CAM-406 Recreation Room
    49368 := [Computer] CAM-407 Northern Hallway
    49369 := [Computer] Access Southern Sect Security Cameras
    49370 := [Computer] CAM-408 Control Room
    49371 := [Computer] Overload terminal
    49372 := [Computer] CAM-409 Southern Hallway
    49373 := [Computer] CAM-410 Spice Laboratory
    49374 := [Computer] CAM-411 Southern Barracks 1
    49375 := [Computer] CAM-412 Southern Barracks 2
    49376 := [Computer] CAM-413 Southern Barracks 3
    49377 := [Computer] CAM-414 Southern Barracks 4
    49378 := [Computer] CAM-415 Maintenance Bay
    49379 := [Computer] Vent gas into Maintenance Bay. (<CUSTOM32> spike(s))
    49380 := [Computer] Confirm action.
    49381 := [Computer] Terminate action.
    49382 := [Computer] Return to southern camera root menu.
    49384 := CAM-401 SUB MENU
    49385 := CAM-402 SUB MENU
    49386 := CAM-403 SUB MENU
    49387 := CAM-404 SUB MENU
    49389 := CAM-405 SUB MENU
    49390 := CAM-406 SUB MENU
    49391 := CAM-407 SUB MENU
    49393 := CAM-408 SUB MENU
    49395 := CAM-409 SUB MENU
    49396 := CAM-410 SUB MENU
    49397 := CAM-411 SUB MENU
    49398 := CAM-412 SUB MENU
    49399 := CAM-413 SUB MENU
    49400 := CAM-414 SUB MENU
    49401 := CAM-415 SUB MENU
    49402 := WARNING!
    49405 := WARNING!

    4X + 3Y = 1
    6X - 2Y = 8
    49410 := X = 3
    Y = 2
    49411 := X = 7
    Y = 5
    49412 := X = -1
    Y = 1
    49413 := X = 4
    Y = 7
    49414 := X = 1
    Y = -1
    49415 := X = 1
    Y = 1
    49416 := You're one of them lab techs aren't you? Here's some advice: leave. I don't want to have to deal with an alcohol-depraved lab tech begging me for a drink.
    49417 := Brejik's orders are Brejik's orders. No alcohol for lab techs. Period.
    49418 := What do we do now?
    49419 := We find a place to get rid of the body, Caalin wants no word of this getting back to Brejik.
    49420 := What if Brejik finds out?
    49421 := He won't find out if you come and he-
    49422 := Intruders!
    49423 := Kill them!
    49424 := Who are you?! How did you get in here!?
    49425 := So you took care of Jaxx and my assassins, eh? Just because you killed my men doesn't make me afraid of you.
    49426 := Look around. I have six armed guards that are willing to die for me as soon as I say to. Now, would you like to re-think your demand for the magnetic power cell?
    49427 := You're not too smart, are you? I haven't had any real action since I left the Sith, but I can still wipe the floor with the likes of you. This should be fun.
    49428 := Jaxx isn't dead?! Let me guess, you killed my assassins and saved Vict, didn't you? Well, it doesn't matter.
    49429 := My name's <FullName>, and I'm here thanks to the recently-deceased Vict Jaxx. Now hand over the magnetic power cell.
    49430 := Not really.
    49431 := No, but I would like to see my vibrosword in your gut.
    49432 := No.
    49433 := Let me guess: If I say, "yes" you'll just kill me anyway, right? So I guess my answer is "no".
    49434 := That's not important. What is important is that you have the magentic power cell. Hand it over.
    49435 := Who I am is not important. All you need know is that I had help from Vict Jaxx, and I want the magnetic power cell.
    49436 := Just shut up and hand over the magnetic power cell.
    49437 := You can either keep on talking and experience what it feels like to have your intestines fall onto your feet, or you can be quiet and give me the magnetic power cell.
    49438 := Major Hurka
    49439 := Damn karking guard duty. Could there be a damn thing in the galaxy that's more boring than sitting in a medical bay, making sure some medpacs aren't stolen?
    49440 := I hear you. If I have to play one more round of Pazaak to pass the time, I swear I'll give Admiral Karath my resignation papers myself.
    49441 := Yeah, tell me about it.
    49442 := [An unconscious Sith Officer.]
    49443 := [Force Persuade] I'm not the enemy. I'm your friend. You want to help me.
    49444 := Isn't there a way around them?
    49445 := You're an officer, right? You can get me past the security.
    49446 := You can just get me past security.
    49447 := There has to be some other way to get past them.
    49448 := [Persuade] Good, I'm glad you won't help. Now I have an excuse to torture you!
    49449 := [Success] No, don't torture me! I'll do what you want!
    49450 := [Persuade] I'm here right now. Who's the bigger threat?
    49451 := [Persuade] I'm here now, Karath isn't. And trust me, I can make your death slow and painful.
    49452 := Because otherwise you're going to learn just how dangerous of an enemy I can be.
    49453 := Look, I'd love to stick around but I really have to get off this ship.
    49454 := Then it looks like you're going to have to help me.
    49455 := Good, I'm glad you won't help. Now I have an excuse to torture you!
    49456 := Well, it seems I'm suddenly in need of your help.
    49457 := Fine - help me get off this ship or I'll kill you... slowly.
    49458 := Help us get off this ship or I'll kill you... slowly.
    49459 := Since I can't leave you here, it looks like you're going to have to help me get off this ship.
    49460 := Good for you. I have to go.
    49461 := If I leave you here you'll set off the alarm as soon as I'm gone... kolto or no kolto. I'm sorry but you have to die.
    49462 := [Inject Hurka with an obscene amount of kolto, causing her to have a heart attack.] Die you Sith scum...
    49463 := [Inject Hurka with enough kolto to induce a deep sleep.]
    49464 := But I want to kill you.
    49465 := [Persuade] I don't think I'll do that... but if you help me get off this ship, I'll consider letting you live.
    49466 := Leaving you alive is too risky. You have to die.
    49467 := Extremes like that annoy me.
    49468 := There you go, friend. I've unlocked the door and disabled the droids and gun turrets and... uh... what's going on here?!
    49469 := [Failure] I knew you couldn't be trusted! Guards! Help! The prisoners have escaped!
    49470 := [Success] I... I will get you past the guards. Come on, follow me. I'll take you past the security station.
    49471 := [Failure] No! No, I won't!
    49472 := [Success] I will get you past the guards. Come on, follow me. I'll take you past the security station.
    49473 := [Failure] No.
    49474 := No. You'll never make it to the bridge.
    49475 := Uhhh... Errr... Umm... No. I don't know what you're talking about.
    49476 := [Persuade] What? I have no idea what you're talking about.
    49477 := [Persuade] No. What are you taking about?
    49478 := [Force Persuade] I've used no Jedi mind trick on you. In fact, you're going to help me get past the guards in the next room.
    49479 := [Persuade] You can get us past the guards. Come on.
    49480 := Fine. Then you die.
    49481 := Major Hurka.
    49482 := Officer.
    49483 := Major, I'll need you to confirm the code that I'm sending to your personal communicator.
    49484 := Ma'am? Is everything all right?
    49485 := Well... yes.
    49486 := Uh... okay. As I've already said, you'll need to confirm the code that I've sent to your communicator.
    49487 := Of course.
    49488 := Alright Major. Your security clearance is coming in all green. You may proceed to the Bridge.
    49489 := Thank you.
    49490 := Uh... Wait a minute... What's going on here?
    49491 := You used some kind of Jedi mind trick on me!
    49492 := Well... no. Those vicious pigs with me are prisoners.
    49493 := What?! Are they part of the group of prisoners we took off of that freighter?
    49494 := Yes. Can you help?
    49495 := [Failure] How do I know you're a Dark Jedi?
    49496 := [Success] You... make a valid point. I'm sorry if I offended you ma'am. Narlas! Take this Major to the Medical Bay. Once you're there, sedate her immediately.
    49497 := What?! What do you mean?!
    49498 := No! No! No, this cannot be happening!
    49499 := Come along now.
    49500 := Narlas, make sure the Major is stabilized and then take her away.
    49501 := Yes sir!
    49502 := As for you, you'd better go conduct your business on the bridge.
    49503 := [Success] You... make a valid point. I'm sorry if I offended you sir. Narlas! Take this Major to the Medical Bay. Once you're there, sedate her immediatley.
    49504 := [Failure] Your threats don't scare me. Men, these three are obviously imposters and escaped prisoners. Kill them!
    49505 := [Success] I-I'm sorry ma'am. Narlas. Take this Major to the Medical Bay and sedate her immediately.
    49506 := [Success] I-I'm sorry sir. Narlas. Take this Major to the Medical Bay and sedate her immediately.
    49507 := [Failure] Your bluster only shows that you're obviously an imposter and an escaped prisoner like the Major claims. Men, kill them.
    49508 := [Success] Yes... you are a Dark Jedi. Men, take this delusional and highly-dangerous Major to the Medical Bay and sedate her.
    49509 := [Failure] Ha! Your tricks won't work on me. Obviously you're a prisoner just like the Major says. Men, attack!
    49510 := [Failure] I don't know.
    49511 := [Failure] Wait, just exactly who are you?
    49512 := [Success] You are not escaped prisoners but high-ranking Officers. Men, take Major Hurka to the Medical Bay while I let this high-ranking Officer and his two associates proceed to talk to the Admiral.
    49513 := [Success] You're... you're right. Major, I'm sorry but you're going to need to go to the Medical Bay with some of my men.
    49514 := [Failure] No, you're the one who's obviously making false claims. Who are you?
    49515 := You'd better go conduct your business on the bridge.
    49516 := Uhhh... no. I don't know what you're talking about.
    49517 := [Lie] What? No I didn't.
    49518 := [Force Persuade] A Jedi mind trick? I have no idea what you mean.
    49519 := *mutter* Dammit Hurka...
    49520 := [Lie] I'm a Dark Jedi under the personal command of Admiral Karath. And if you dare to even consider what this Major has told you, I'll be sure to bring you before the Admiral himself.
    49521 := [Persuade] Because I have a lightsaber. One that will soon be at your throat if you don't take this obviously-delusional Major to the Medical Bay.
    49522 := [Persuade] I don't need to justify myself to you! Take Major Hurka to the Medical Bay now!
    49523 := [Force Persuade] I am a Dark Jedi. Order your troops to take this delusional and highly-dangerous Major to the Medical Bay and sedate her.
    49524 := Forget this; Carth, Bastila: attack!
    49525 := [Lie] I have no idea what she is talking about. Obviously the injuries she has sustained have made her delirious.
    49526 := [Persuade] Look at her. She's accusing me, *me*, of being an escaped prisoner.
    49527 := [Force Persuade] Trooper, we are not escaped prisoners. We are high-ranking soldiers that were ordered to take Major Hurka to the Admiral for a debriefing on her last mission. However, it appears that the injuries she sustained during that mission have overwhelmed her. I order you to take her to the Medical Bay and sedate her, while I inform the Admiral of this development.
    49528 := *mutter* Pigs? Now that's just insulting.
    49529 := Great, just great. Carth, Bastila: attack!
    49530 := Ahto City - Pazaak Tournament
    49531 := Ceeiia Rylo
    49532 := CS-32
    49533 := Irog
    49534 := Sykallin Gr'eedan
    49535 := Skirata, the Champ
    49536 := Pazzak Commenter
    49537 := Pazaak Fan
    49538 := Disgruntled Pazaak Fan
    49539 := Pazaak Organizer
    49540 := Sykallin's Woman
    49541 := So you signed up? Let's see how you do.
    49542 := Are you joining the tournament? I hope to see you there!
    49543 := So I'm told you're my next opponent, <FullName>.
    49544 := This excites me; I don't often get the chance to face a real challenge. My name is Ceeiia Rylo and I am the best female player on Manaan.
    49545 := Ah! Not *every* Twi'lek female is a dancer, you know! Some are smugglers, merchants, even Jedi. I just happen to be a card-player!
    49546 := [Success] R-Really? I suppose I should thank you. Maybe I'll look into it after the tournament.
    49547 := You know what? You're right; I should practice. I concede the match, so that I can practice. Good luck, <FullName>, and thank you!
    49548 := The sooner I win, the sooner you can go away and stop being rude.
    49549 := I apologize for coming on a little strong. Let's get on with our game of Pazaak.
    49550 := Sure, I can spare some time for someone as interesting as you.
    49551 := I don't really know. Wouldn't it be easier to ask them yourself? They have an embassy near the docks, I think.
    49552 := Is there anything else you wish to know?
    49553 := If you ask me, it seems like there was more going on between Sunry and Elassa than meets the eye. I wasn't there though, so I wouldn't know.
    49554 := No. However, it would seem that the Selkath have been having a lot of problems lately, with all this fighting breaking out between the Republic and Sith.
    49555 := I wouldn't know anything about that; I just play Pazaak. You might ask at the Republic Embassy; I hear they've been mapping the ocean floor.
    49556 := About me? I'm very flattered. Ask away.
    49557 := I've been playing for about three years now. I have yet to find a man who can match my level, but perhaps you can change that.
    49558 := Sykallin is a real ladies' man; he'll deliberately throw the match if he thinks he can impress a woman. I've heard him mention swoop racing a few times, though I haven't seen him on the track.
    49559 := Irog is easily intimidated. I saw him lose a couple of matches just because his opponents were making him nervous.
    49560 := As for the droid, who ever heard of one playing Pazaak? That's news to me. Does he need a memory wipe?
    49561 := The Champ, Skirata, well... he doesn't talk much and he seems to give everybody the cold shoulder.
    49562 := What else do you want to know?
    49563 := I've been playing for about three years now. I have yet to find a man who can match my level.
    49564 := What could I possibly tell you? I know a little about Manaan, and I don't really talk about myself...
    49565 := Yes, if you're up to the challenge...
    49566 := I suppose...
    49567 := This irritates me; *I* am the best female in this tournament, not you.
    49568 := The sooner we finish our match, the sooner you can get out of my sight.
    49569 := That's something I can understand. But in doing so, you will also take my prestige, and I cannot allow that.
    49570 := Maybe you should not irritate me!
    49571 := Hey, you won! I didn't think anyone could beat Skirata. Next year will be exciting!
    49572 := Alright <FullName>, let's get our drinks!
    49573 := Wow, you know how to show a girl a good time!
    49574 := Well, you are my type... but how do I know I could trust you?
    49575 := [Success]I suppose not...
    49576 := [Failure] And maybe you can.
    49577 := [Success] I guess you're right.
    49578 := [Failure] The fun is still fun and I am not hurt.
    49579 := And remind me of my loss even more?
    49580 := [Failure] This isn't an apology, it's a mockery. Go away!
    49581 := [Success] Well... I guess.
    49582 := This isn't an apology, it's a mockery. Go away!
    49583 := I bet you are. Just go away!
    49584 := Hurry! You need to go check in with the Organizer.
    49585 := I'm working on my dancing, but I'll still follow your progress, <FullName>!
    49586 := I hope you do well, <FullName>!
    49587 := At least there's still another female going up the ranks. Just make sure you're here next year, <FullName>!
    49588 := You beat me?! But I've never met a man that could defeat me!
    49589 := They're softer now...
    49590 := I won't hold this match against you. I'm glad you won!
    49591 := It's such a shame that you lost! Was I distracting you?
    49592 := I hope you will try again next year. I'll be back to check out the competition myself.
    49593 := How?! How could you beat me?! *I'm* supposed to be the best female player!
    49594 := I won't forget this! Next year, you'd better be competing, <FullName>, just so I can beat you in a fair match!
    49595 := Ha! I knew that I was the best female player in this tournament!
    49596 := Don't worry. Next year, maybe you'll be a challenge...
    49597 := Wouldn't you be better off as a dancer?
    49598 := [Persuade]I'm sorry. I just noticed your graceful movements, and you have the perfect figure...
    49599 := If I were you, I'd want to get some practice before I auditioned...
    49600 := My mistake. Do you want to play Pazaak?
    49601 := I'm just here to play Pazaak.
    49602 := Can I ask you some questions?
    49603 := Do you know why the Republic is hiring so many mercanaries?
    49604 := I am investigating the recent murder of the Sith Officer, Elassa.
    49605 := Do you know anything about the missing Selkath children?
    49606 := I'm looking for an ancient artifact called a Star Map.
    49607 := I'd like to ask about you.
    49608 := How long have you been playing Pazaak?
    49609 := What do you think of the other Pazaak players at this tournament?
    49610 := Let's go back to my other questions.
    49611 := Do you want to play Pazaak now?
    49612 := I'll be seeing you soon...
    49613 := Let's get on with the match.
    49614 := I'm just in it for the credits.
    49615 := Maybe you should calm down.
    49616 := How about a drink with the new champ?
    49617 := [Persuade] I can't be that bad!
    49618 := [Persuade] What's the fun without a little risk?
    49619 := Want a drink to celebrate my victory?
    49620 := [Persuade] No, I just want to celebrate. Think of it as an apology.
    49621 := I just wanted to apologize.
    49622 := I'm sorry it seems that way.
    49623 := No hard feelings?
    49624 := [This droid is currently too busy going over Pazzak algorithms and ignores you.]
    49625 := [You are not ready to face CS-32.]
    49626 := Beep....Bleep...Breeep.
    49627 := [Success] [After removing illegal equipment from the inside the outer casing, the droid seems to have lost interest in the game altogether...]
    49628 := [Failure] [Despite your best efforts you failed to repair the droid.]
    49629 := [Success] [After removing a suspicious protocol from the droid's Behavioral Cortex, the droid no longer responds to Pazaak.]
    49630 := [Failure] [Despite your best efforts, you failed to reprogram the droid.]
    49631 := [The droid ignores you.]
    49632 := [This droid no longer plays Pazaak.]
    49633 := [The droid ignores you; speak to the Organizer.]
    49634 := [You've successfully beaten a droid.]
    49635 := [You've lost the match...]
    49636 := Let's play some Pazaak.
    49637 := [Repair] A droid obsessed with Pazaak? {Investigate}
    49638 := [Computer] This droid is in bad shape, and looks tampered-with. {Investigate}
    49639 := [This Ithorian is trying to center himself for the Tournament.]
    49640 := Ah, you've joined the Tournament! I hope you'll go far.
    49641 := Don't disturb the order of things; defeat your other opponents first.
    49642 := Hello. I am Irog, come from my home on Ithor.
    49643 := It is a pleasure to meet a kind individual during this violent time. Instead of doing battle, we compete with cards.
    49644 := Of course. I would be happy to help you, if I can.
    49645 := Yes, and more by the day. The Republic and Sith keep recruiting them, but the Republic seems to be in greater demand...
    49646 := Only that she is now dead, and that her murderer was captured. Does the investigation still continue?
    49647 := I'm sorry that I cannot help you. Perhaps with some other topic I could be of more use.
    49648 := No, I have not. I am beginning to wonder about them...
    49649 := Hmm... "Star Map"... I must admit that I have never heard of such a thing before
    49650 := There is little to tell.
    49651 := I am Irog, an Ithorian from native Ithor, though I have never set foot on the surface; it is sacrilege to contemplate such a thing.
    49652 := Yes, I am. Let us turn out attention to our duel.
    49653 := [Success] I-I d-don't w-want to l-lose m-my credits.
    49654 := Yes, y-you p-played well. I c-clearly lost that m-match. I'll just g-go t-tell the Org-Organizer...
    49655 := [Failure] You would not do such a thing in this atmosphere. The only way you will advance is by defeating me.
    49656 := [Failure] Why? What could you gain by threatening my life? The Selkath would make sure you never leave the planet.
    49657 := The only way you can advance is if I lose to you in a match.
    49658 := I assure you that I am not new to these games of cards and numbers. However, I appreciate your concern.
    49659 := Oh... You have my apologies, but please, you do not have to harm me. Instead of doing battle, let us compete with cards.
    49660 := I see you have indeed come far, <FullName>. I have never seen Skirata lose before today.
    49661 := Whether you won or lost, it was only a game, wasn't it?
    49662 := You are still running strong, <FullName>. You might have a chance at winning!
    49663 := I believe the Organizer is waiting for you.
    49664 := Mmmm. You played an excellent game, <FullName>. I accept my loss.
    49665 := It appears that it was not your time to advance, <FullName>. I hope there are no hard feelings between us?
    49666 := It's nice to meet you, Irog. I am <FullName>.
    49667 := Perhaps you could answer some questions.
    49668 := A lot of mercenaries around, aren't there?
    49669 := Have you heard of a Sith Officer named Elassa?
    49670 := Have you seen any young Selkath around lately?
    49671 := What do you know about a Star Map?
    49672 := What can you tell me about yourself?
    49673 := You ready for our match?
    49674 := [Intimidate] Or you can quit the Tournament and save your credits...
    49675 := [Intimidate] It'd be safer if you just dropped out of the Tournament...
    49676 := [Intimidate] Drop out of the torunament or you'll lose all of your credits.
    49677 := You don't look like an experienced player...
    49678 := I'm not here for idle chatter, two-mouth!
    49679 := [Skirata is planning for his next game and ignores you.]
    49680 := You have chosen to join this tournament, but I believe you will not be a threat.
    49681 := [You aren't ready to face Skirata, the Champ.]
    49682 := You have won a great victory today.
    49683 := [You need to report the match to the Organizer.]
    49684 := I am Skirata, the Champion of last year's tournament. Upon my honor, I will defend my title. Never have I lost a battle.
    49685 := [Failure] I will never lose. No Mandalorian can lose a battle.
    49686 := I have nothing left to gain by doing so.
    49687 := You... have won, and you have earned honor for your tactics. I will report my loss to the Organizer.
    49688 := I have retained my honor. You fought well, but you are not worthy of this title. Next year, maybe you will be stronger...
    49689 := [Force Persuade] You will lose this time.
    49690 := [This player is "busy" entertaining his admirers.]
    49691 := Oh! A pretty female is in the tournament!
    49692 := Another hotshot hoping to get a shot at me?
    49693 := You're not ready to face me, Human.
    49694 := Looks like the Human didn't have what it takes...!
    49695 := You beat fierce Twi'lek female, Human.
    49696 := You hide something from Sykallin? I know how good you are.
    49697 := No! You aren't better than Sykallin Gr'eedan!
    49698 := Foolish Humans, always trying to push their way through a fight.
    49699 := You funny Human. Sykallin has thought of this, but it is not for him. No credits, foolish Human. No sponsor would take Sykallin.
    49700 := [Success] Human think Sykallin can do it? Then Sykallin will try!
    49701 := Sykallin better leave before he loses all his credits. Goodbye, Human.
    49702 := [Failure] No, Sykallin *can't*! Sykallin has tried before...
    49703 := That is much appreciated, Human.
    49704 := Very well, then.
    49705 := This will be fun, no?
    49706 := *Hmmph* What do you want to know?
    49707 := They've been crawling all over the Republic and Sith like they have all the credits in the galaxy. And they ruin a good game, too.
    49708 := Elassa? Pretty human doesn't know her place, thinking she's in control...
    49709 := They're missing? Maybe they went exploring or something.
    49710 := Ancient Star Map? I enjoy the present, not the past.
    49711 := I don't share with the unworthy.
    49712 := But a pretty human such as yourself can be excused her superiority...
    49713 := After all, my women can't compare with your beauty. What do you say to sharing a drink after our match.
    49714 := You'll come back, Human; but first let me eliminate you from the tournament...
    49715 := Then let us be quick with our match!
    49716 := Ah, you're a receptive female! Let's not worry about our match; I'll concede if you spare the time for a drink...
    49717 := That was a pleasant drink, Human. A good match too, though it is a shame that I lost...
    49718 := Exactly, foolish Human. Always trying to push your way through a fight.
    49719 := Don't forget the Organizer.
    49720 := You beat the Champ! I knew you were hiding something, Human!
    49721 := I see you couldn't win the Top Five! Feel big and tall now, Human?
    49722 := Soon, Sykallin is talking to the Swoop Organizer at the cantina!
    49723 := Human is too much for Sykallin! No surprise he lose to a beautiful woman...
    49724 := Come to take more from Sykallin? First his title and now his women? Sykallin does not want to speak to you!
    49725 := Stupid Human must have cheated! How else could he beat Sykallin?!
    49726 := Beautiful Human is better than Sykallin, yes? Does she remember our drink together?
    49727 := Beautiful Human played a good match. Sykallin couldn't keep an eye on his cards! Would you like a drink?
    49728 := What? ... But-but... you agreed to share a drink with Sykallin!
    49729 := You are a cruel human! Sykallin will not forget this.
    49730 := You hurt Sykallin, Human. He must do better!
    49731 := Sykallin won! Sykallin knew foolish Human couldn't best him!
    49732 := Sorry Human, but you just weren't enough for Sykallin...
    49733 := Better than you?
    49734 := With a mouth that fast, you should be riding swoops.
    49735 := [Persuade] A smart, athletic Rodian like you? You can find a way.
    49736 := Keep trying, Sykallin.
    49737 := Do you want to play Pazaak to take your mind off it?
    49738 := I'll show you how foolish humans really are.
    49739 := And people for information...
    49740 := Why are there so many mercenaries around?
    49741 := How about Sunry and Elassa?
    49742 := Missing Selkath children?
    49743 := Have you heard anything about an ancient Star Map recently?
    49744 := What about you?
    49745 := Think you can beat me?
    49746 := With a mouth that smooth, you should be riding swoops.
    49747 := And pushing people for information...
    49748 := Not a chance, nerf-herder.
    49749 := Maybe I'll consider it, if you've got any credits.
    49750 := Why wait?
    49751 := Good enough?
    49752 := Not as good as you, right?
    49753 := I don't have time for this.
    49754 := Yes, let's get our drinks...
    49755 := Why drink with a loser?
    49756 := Hey, Champ! I'm serving the last drinks before packing up for the Swoop Racers!
    49757 := I'm serving the last drinks before packing up for the Swoop Racers!
    49758 := It is strongly advised not to be drinking until the tournament is over! You Pazaak players couldn't handle the Firaxian Tooth last time!
    49759 := You joined the Tournament? I hope you know you won't get past Sykallin...
    49760 := The Tournament is here at last! Sykallin's going to win for sure this year!
    49761 := You don't think you'll get to face Sykallin, do you? How naive!
    49762 := Well, you made it farther than I thought you would, but this is where it ends, Human.
    49763 := Looks like you really didn't have what it takes, did you? I know Sykallin would have placed better.
    49764 := What?! You beat Sykalllin?! If he was really that weak, why would I waste my time with him?
    49765 := A woman beat Sykallin? You're impressive; I hope you go far!
    49766 := So you are the new Champion? Want to buy a girl a drink to celebrate?
    49767 := I can't believe a woman is the new Champion! This is amazing!
    49768 := I heard Sykallin might become a swoop racer! This will be exciting!
    49769 := Sykallin is so charming! He knows how keep a girl happy: with his credits!
    49770 := Every now and then, a few Pazaak players would come in and sell me some of their cards. My stock's limited, but the prices are reasonable.
    49771 := Welcome to the used goods store of Yortal Ixlis. The Champion of the Pazaak Masters Tournament is always welcome here. Is there anything I can help you with?
    49772 := Welcome to the used goods store of Yortal Ixlis. My business is booming due to the Pazaak Masters Tournament. Is there anything I can help you with?
    49773 := Welcome to the 23rd Annual Pazaak Masters Tournament!
    49774 := This year, we have a total of <CUSTOM2014> contestants joining us. We have Rodians, Humans, Mandalorians, Trandoshans, Twi'leks, Selkath, and Ithorians coming out to take part in this event.
    49775 := At this time, we will be accepting late participants, but they will still have to pay the 500 credit entry fee. The tournament will begin shortly, so prepare well, and good luck players!
    49776 := [Using this door will take you out of the Pazaak Masters Tournament grounds.]
    49777 := [Having won the Tournament, you will keep your winnings, but you will be unable to return to the Tournament grounds until the area is cleared.]
    49778 := [Are you sure you want to leave?]
    49779 := [Very well.]
    49780 := [Having lost the Tournament, you will keep whatever earnings you might have earned, and will not be able to return until the area has been cleared.]
    49781 := [In doing so, you will forfeit the Tournament, and any winnings you might have earned... and will not be able to return until the comittee has cleared the area.]
    49782 := [If you are absolutely sure, then by all means leave.]
    49783 := [Leave.]
    49784 := [Stay.]
    49785 := Hello, Human. Are you here to watch the cards fly, or throw a few yourself?
    49786 := Very well, Human. What is your name?
    49787 := Very well, <FullName>. You just have to pay the 500 credit entry fee, and then you will be added to the roster.
    49788 := Thank you, <FullName>. You're all set now, and just in time, too; Registration closes any minute now.
    49789 := Wait, I forgot to ask you something.
    49790 := Do you have a pazaak deck?
    49791 := Very good. Then you're ready for the Tournament.
    49792 := I happen to have a spare one on me, Human. It's yours if you have 200 credits.
    49793 := That's too bad, Human. Now unless you are here to watch the cards fly, I kindly direct you to the door behind me.
    49794 := Very good, I will give you a copy of the rules as well. I hope you learn fast , Human.
    49795 := Come back if you change your mind Human but, don't take too long to decide because registration closes soon.
    49796 := Your winnings are determined by how far you get in the tournament, and by how many contestants are already defeated before you are.
    49797 := When you are defeated, you forfeit your entry fee, and it is added to the Pot. When someone high up on the roster is defeated, they get a certain percentage of the Pot up to that point.
    49798 := I'm sad to hear that. I hope you change your mind, or decided to come back next year. Now, I need to get busy with the Tournament.
    49799 := In that case, I hope you find this year's tournament satisfactory, Human.
    49800 := Registration is almost closed! Final contestants join now!
    49801 := Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby declare Registration closed! The tournament has officially started.
    49802 := I'd like to remind you all that we do not tolerate violence in this competition; there's a reason the Hutts aren't running this event.
    49803 := We also have a new selection process this year. To have a chance at the Top Five--last year's top contestants--you have to first pass five preliminary matches.
    49804 := Should you fail in this, the Committee has decided to allow contestants to re-enter the tournament, paying an additional entry fee. Simply report to me to setup these matches.
    49805 := However, this waiver does not extend to the final matches, when you face the Top Five. One match, and one match only, to advance or fail.
    49806 := Lastly, and we hope this is taken into consideration, the Committee advises against making side-bets if you are a contestant. We won't penalize you, but it is heavily discouraged.
    49807 := And now, I bid you all good luck! Let's play Pazaak!
    49808 := Hello, <FirstName>. Would you like to compete in the preliminaries?
    49809 := It would seem you did not win your last preliminary match. Unfortunately, this puts you out of the tournament, <FirstName>...
    49810 := However, we can allow you to re-enter the preliminary matches, if you want to pay the entry fee, of course.
    49811 := Everything seems to be in order. Do you want to compete in the preliminaries now?
    49812 := Very well, <FirstName>. If you change your mind, please let me know.
    49813 := Currently, you have won <CUSTOM2024> of the necessary five preliminary matches. Who do you want to face?
    49814 := Very well. I'll notify your opponent of the match.
    49815 := Ladies and gentlemen, we have a challenger!
    49816 := <FullName> has just defeated <his/her> fifth preliminary match, and can now advance to the next round, where <CUSTOM2009> will face the Top Five!
    49817 := I'm now taking the time to fill you in on the current system, as it went through some changes since last year.
    49818 := The challenger must face of each of the Top Five individually, in order, and will not be given a second chance should they lose. Each player must obey this, and any attempts to get around this *will* be penalized.
    49819 := As was stated before, while the Committee highly discourages players gambling on their matches, it will not do anything to stop it.
    49820 := And with that, let the Top Five Challenge begin!
    49821 := First up on the roster is the Twilek female, Ceeiia!
    49822 := Get ready for your match! Go face <CUSTOM2015>.
    49823 := Ladies and gentlemen, we have an update on the current standings.
    49824 := <FullName> has just been defeated by <CUSTOM2015>, taking <him/her> out of the tournament. <CUSTOM2013> was able to defeat <CUSTOM2019>, and <CUSTOM2017> opponents were defeated by other contestants.
    49825 := For defeating <CUSTOM2019>, <he/she> gets <CUSTOM2021> percent share of the winnings, an amount totaling <CUSTOM2023> credits.
    49826 := This is a respectable standing in this tournament, and the Committee hopes to see <FullName> return to compete next year.
    49827 := <FullName> has just defeated <CUSTOM2015>, leaving <CUSTOM2016> of the previous Championship's contestants still in the running.
    49828 := On another note, <CUSTOM2017> contestants have been eliminated since the start of the tournament, leaving <CUSTOM2018> contestants still competing.
    49829 := With <CUSTOM2015> defeated, <FullName> now faces <CUSTOM2010>. Place your bets fast, and good luck!
    49830 := Congratulations on your performance, <FullName>! It was an impressive victory.
    49831 := You played well, <FullName>. It was a shame that you could not continue...
    49832 := I'm here to compete.
    49833 := <FullName>
    49834 := Here's 500 credits.
    49835 := Yes.
    49836 := Sure, here you go.
    49837 := I don't have enough credits.
    49838 := How are the prizes determined?
    49839 := I guess I'll just watch for now.
    49840 := Just to watch, for now.
    49841 := I'd play if I had a deck.
    49842 := A Rodian.
    49843 := A Trandoshan.
    49844 := A Selkath.
    49845 := A Mandalorian.
    49846 := A Twi'lek.
    49847 := An Ithorian.
    49848 := Ladies and gentlemen! Not too long ago, <FullName> defeated the Top Five, each match a crushing defeat for the old champions.
    49849 := Defeating Ceeiia required sharp wits, something Humans are *rarely* known for having in abundance...
    49850 := Defeating Sykallin required cunning, which Humans apparently can manifest...
    49851 := Defeating Irog required caution, a trait young Humans often lack...
    49852 := Defeating CS-32 required patience, as droids are often... tedious... to work with...
    49853 := And lastly, defeating Skirata required courage and daring, something any Mandalorian can respect.
    49854 := Each of these traits was required to win this tournament, and <FullName> has carried them well, as all great Pazaak players do.
    49855 := With the defeat of the Top Five, <FullName> has proven <he/she> has the skill needed to bear the title of Pazaak Champion.
    49856 := As the Tournament is at a close, <FullName> gets the pot, a total value of <CUSTOM2023> credits!
    49857 := With the Tournament now officially over, I want to thank all of the <CUSTOM2014>, plus <FullName>, contestants who came to compete today for giving us all an engaging show. I hope to see many of you back here next year.
    49858 := So you're my next opponent?
    49859 := You look like an easy win, Human.
    49860 := Only the talkative ones make it big. That's why I, <CUSTOM2011>, am here, and why you will not win.
    49861 := That wasn't a fair match! You were hiding your skill weren't you?!
    49862 := I told you you were easy! I beat you easy! You need practice!
    49863 := I wouldn't be so sure.
    49864 := Are all Rodians this chatty?
    49865 := Ah, the Scorekeeper must be pleased with my points.
    49866 := The Scorekeeper: the deity of the Dosha. She exists beyond space, beyond time.
    49867 := She watches over us Dosha, sees our victories and our defeats. She awards us points for our victories, and penalizes us for our failures; no penalty is greater than if one is captured or shame during a hunt...
    49868 := The Dosha: me, and those like me. The galaxy knows us as Trandoshans.
    49869 := This is relevant, I assure you. With my points, I have great favor in the Scorekeeper's eyes. She has honored me with a worthy opponent, even if I cannot hunt you.
    49870 := No! I couldn't have lost, not with the Scorekeeper watching!
    49871 := It was not during a hunt, but I will still be penalized for my shame. Thank you for the match, Human, but I... I must be by myself for awhile...
    49872 := Yes! My victory was assured in the eyes of the Scorekeeper! Thank you for the chance to prove myself, Human!
    49873 := Excuse me?
    49874 := Dosha?
    49875 := Okay...
    49876 := Do you want play Pazaak or what?
    49877 := Who is this Scorekeeper?
    49878 := Hello, Human. I am <CUSTOM2011>.
    49879 := I always enjoy the tournament; it's nice to see the newcomers. Let's hope you're a bit better than last year's.
    49880 := Ah, so you *are* a capable player. That is good to see.
    49881 := It's a shame you couldn't put up a worthy effort...
    49882 := I am <FullName>.
    49883 := I accept that challenge.
    49884 := Let's hope you are.
    49885 := Another pathetic excuse for a card-player?
    49886 := Let's hope you can put up a fight.
    49887 := We shall see, Human.
    49888 := You fought with great skill and honor, Human.
    49889 := My training was more than adequate to handle you.
    49890 := Hello. I am <CUSTOM2011>.
    49891 := As a token of our meeting, allow me to give you a gift. It might help you in the upcoming matches.
    49892 := I am glad you accept it. Now we can enjoy our match.
    49893 := Yes, but that is irrelevent; it is a custom of my people to give gifts at a first meeting, and I only have Pazaak Cards with me.
    49894 := No, not really. Still, as a token of our meeting, allow me to give you a gift. It might help you in the upcoming matches.
    49895 := Ah, it would seem my card was an appropriate gift. An excellent match, <FullName>.
    49896 := I have enjoyed our match, <FullName>. I hope you do well in the tournament.
    49897 := I'm <FullName>.
    49898 := Thank you, <CUSTOM2011>.
    49899 := You realize we're about to have a match, right?
    49900 := Do I look like I care?
    49901 := Nice to meet you, <CUSTOM2011>; I am <FullName>.
    49902 := It is nice to meet you. I hope you are enjoying the tournament so far.
    49903 := I see... I hope our match will make the tournament more enjoyable.
    49904 := Please do not be hostile. I know not all humans are kind, but please restrain yourself.
    49905 := At any rate, I hope you are enjoying the tournament so far.
    49906 := That was an entertaining game, <FullName>. I hope you continue to succeed.
    49907 := That was an entertaining game, <FullName>. I hope you will not quit the tournament because of this.
    49908 := Nice to meet you. I'm <FullName>.
    49909 := It's okay.
    49910 := It's a lot of fun!
    49911 := I wonder why I even signed up.
    49912 := Hello.
    49913 := Do I care?
    49914 := Saayl
    49915 := Siros
    49916 := Celess
    49917 := Sarre Bu'kan
    49918 := Orik Unacorr
    49919 := Rennek Stom
    49920 := Keenor Majj
    49921 := Fenn Sorenn
    49922 := Grao Jarde
    49923 := I can't believe the Committee was so cheap, they couldn't even get their own place for the Pazaak Masters Tournament this year!
    49924 := I hope this tournament is better than last year's...
    49925 := You're not bad! I doubt you'll go much further though.
    49926 := You're the Champ?! At least the Tournament wasn't as bad as last year's...
    49927 := I knew the Tournament was going to be as bad as last year's...
    49928 := ...
    49929 := This tournament's gonna be great!
    49930 := I hope this is as good as last year.
    49931 := When are they going to show something?!
    49932 := It's about to start!
    49933 := Something's happening!
    49934 := It's about time.
    49935 := These preliminaries are pretty good.
    49936 := Such fun.
    49937 := Finally, some entertainment...
    49938 := Hey, you're pretty good! You made it to the Challenge!
    49939 := Thanks for the entertainment!
    49940 := Let's see how you do...
    49941 := Wow, you beat the Champ!
    49942 := Look at the Champion!
    49943 := You couldn't have beat the Top Five that easily...
    49944 := Keep close.
    49945 := [The local Korriban ale turns out to be too much for you to handle as you become drunk.]
    49946 := [You almost fall but manage to catch yourself.]
    49947 := [You continue to struggle with your drunkness as you unknowingly flirt with the bartender.]
    49948 := [You collapse on the floor and pass out from too much ale.]
    49949 := [You have a restful sleep, but when you wake up your head hurts and it takes a while for you to remember what you did.]
    49950 := Ah, looking for droid or swoop bike parts, hmm? Well, I have a few droid parts but, my swoop parts shipment didn't quite make it in.
    49951 := One for the Mechanic
    49952 := You've agreed to help steal some spice for an addicted mechanic in exchange for his Mechanic ID.
    49953 := You managed to acquire some processed spice from the spice lab in the Vulkar Base. No doubt it's highly valuable...
    49954 := The spice-addicted mechanic gave you his ID. Now it's time to go to the service elevator and disable the security systems.
    49955 := Pazaak Masters Tournament
    49956 := A Selkath at the Swoop Track on Manaan has told you about an upcoming Pazaak Masters Tournament and has offered to take you there.The Tournament is a place where you can earn lots of credits... or make friends and enemies.
    49957 := You've joined the Pazaak Masters Tournament, and have been told some of the rules, as well as the guidelines.

    To win the Tournament, you have to beat each of the Top Five, last year's best. Before you can challenge them, you have to prove yourself by winning five preliminary matches against normal contestants. Should you lose a match, you will be out of the Tournament. You can re-enter by paying an additional 500-credit entry fee...
    49958 := You've managed to defeat five contestants in the preliminaries, and have won the right to challenge the Top Five.

    Unlike the Preliminaries, losing here is final, with no chance at a second match. The more you win, the bigger the percentage you win from the Pot.
    49959 := You've beat Ceeiia, and earned a ten percent share of the Pot, should you lose against Sykallin...
    49960 := You've beat Sykallin, and earned a thirty-five percent share of the Pot, should you lose against Irog...
    49961 := You've beat Irog, and earned a fifty-five percent share of the Pot, should you lose against CS-32...
    49962 := You've beat CS-32, and earned a seventy percent share of the Pot, should you lose against The Champ, Skirata...
    49963 := You've beat Skirata, and the Pazaak Masters Tournament along with him. Recognized as the Pazaak Champion, you've accomplished quite a feat, and won <CUSTOM2023> credits...
    49964 := You've lost the Tournament, and have no credits to show for it...
    49965 := You've lost the tournament, but managed to win a <CUSTOM2022> percent share of the Pot, <CUSTOM2023> credits!
    49966 := An aged mechanic in the lower level of the Vulkar Base told you that you need to use a Mechanic ID card to get past the turrets guarding the service elevator to the garage on the upper level.
    49967 := You've gotten your hands on a Mechanic ID in the lower level of the Vulkar Base.
    49968 := You attempted to use your newly-acquired mechanic ID to slip past the turrets guarding the service elevator to the garage. However, it appears Brejik enacted a new security protocol five days ago and now the only way to get past the service elevator is to either speak with Brejik and obtain the 34-digit alpha-numeric code, or to call a gang member already in the garage, and ask them to disable the turrets temporarily. Since neither of those options are available, you'll need to find someone on the lower level who has the code...
    49969 := An aged mechanic told you that the heating system was on the fritz because Brejik pulled out its magnetic power cell. If one were to put the power cell back in, it would cause havoc with any thermal security systems, *if* one were to have it. Currently it's under guard in the lower level's control room.
    49970 := You interrupted what appeared to be assassins just after they had killed what appeared to be a Vulkar mechanic. Perhaps the victim's corpse holds more information...
    49971 := You found a datapad on the victim's corpse. It appears as though his name was Vict Jaxx, and he was planning on taking down Caalin, the manager for the spice lab and barracks level, in order to secure his own safety. Caalin's office, or the control room, contains the magnetic power cell that will disable the security systems guarding the elevator to the garage. There's a catch: Caalin's office will only open if one has the key, and unfortunately Vict locked his copy of the key inside his personal footlocker. Now you need to get past its security...
    49972 := You've successfuly obtained the access card to Caalin Ette's office. Now all that's left is go to his office, get the magnetic power cell, and insert it into the heating system.
    49973 := Caalin Ette didn't seem too pleased that you managed to get inside his office. After a very brief conversation he ordered his guards to attack you. Caalin didn't make mention of where the magnetic power cell was, so you will have to search his office from top to bottom.
    49974 := You found a data pad on Caalin Ette's desk which detailed 3 things.

    1. Caalin kept the magnetic power cell in his strongbox, which at the time the data pad's entries were made, its pass card was completely destroyed by heat.

    2. The card was estimated to be repaired in 3 days, 3 days ago.

    3. The man who most likely has the card on him right now is Vrei Yindaru, the head technician.
    49975 := You've killed Vrei Yindaru. It would most likely be a good idea to search his corpse for the passcard.
    49976 := Using the passcard from Vrei Yindaru you were able to retrieve the magnetic power cell from Caalin's office. Now you just have to insert the cell into the heating system and hope this works...
    49977 := You managed to get to the Lower City and meet Gadon Thek, the leader of the Hidden Beks. He has given you the proper authorization papers for the Sith Checkpoints. By now, the party must be over...
    49978 := On your way to the party, you found an alien being harassed by a group of Sith about smuggling Sith property. You chose to help the alien, and in return he has told you that he's a spy for the Hidden Beks. He was ordered to acquire some Sith Uniforms and has given you one as payment for rescuing him. However, if you and Carth are to enter the Lower City together, you will need a second uniform...
    49979 := I'm <FullName>, and I'll beat you easily.
    49980 := Let's play, and then we'll decide.
    49981 := I'll make you eat those words.
    49982 := No. I wish I did, but ever since the tragedy on Taris my supplier has been out of commission. Even if I had swoop parts, their prices would be heavily inflated.
    49983 := [Trask Battlecry 1]
    49984 := [Trask Battlecry 2]
    49985 := [Trask Battlecry 3]
    49986 := [Trask Battlecry 4]
    49987 := [Trask Battlecry 5]
    49988 := [Trask Battlecry 6]
    49989 := [Trask Selected 1]
    49990 := [Trask Selected 2]
    49991 := [Trask Selected 3]
    49992 := [Trask Low Health]
    49993 := [Trask scores Critical Hit.]
    49994 := [Trask Target Immune]
    49995 := [Trask lays a mine.]
    49996 := [Trask disarms a mine.]
    49997 := [Trask goes stealth.]
    49998 := [Trask searches]
    49999 := [Trask tries to unlock.]
    50000 := [Trask failes unlock]
    50001 := [Trask succeeds unlock]
    50002 := [Trask leaves party.]
    50003 := [Trask rejoins party.]
    50004 := [Trask is poisoned.]
    Genesis нравится это.
  3. Sherhan007


    9 июл 2013
    Забыл добавить - я тут на андроид пилю правлю перевод (ЗоГовский) самой игры. За столько лет правки всё равно куча ошибок осталась.
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