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Voices files for 688i Hunter Killer

Тема в разделе "International Zone", создана пользователем Condor005, 9 июл 2008.

  1. Condor005


    9 июл 2008

    As a way to say "thank you" to the admins of that wonderfull abandonware website, i uploaded the voices and sound effects for the excellent submarine simulation "688i Hunter Killer" available on Old-games.ru
    Once you have download the rip version from Old-games.ru and installed it correctly in C:\ (remember to rename the folder exactly " 688 " so you obtain C:\688 before double clicking on 688.reg) , download the voices from one of the mirrors of that page :

    Take the SFX folder from inside the 688Voices.rar and put it in your 688i Hunter/Killer install, replacing the SFX folder already present.

    Feel free to add them on the download page as addon, as the voices are not present in the rip version hosted by old-games.ru.
    These voices comes the original CD and are complete.

    Additionally, here is the extracted patch with the modern computer (win 98 / win Me / win XP) version of the DLL

    Take all the files from the Patch107.rar and put them all in your 688i Hunter/Killer install.
    Replace all the files of the same name already present.

    This will update 688i Hunter/Killer to the latest version and make it a lot more stable on modern computers.

    Note : the 1.07 new executable and the DLL files from Patch107.rar are all coming from the official patches from Sonalyst. so you can get them here if you prefer to download them from the official website :

    Have fun with this excellent sub marine simulation, but be sure to read lot of tutorial and documents, as the learning curve is important.
    A good website to find help and documents for 688i :
  3. kreol Старший офицер Чёрной Гвардии



    2 июл 2007
    Condor005, thank you.)
  4. Alexandrin


    14 май 2006
    I would like to give my personal regards to Condor005 for those very precious foundings.

    Thank you, comrade :)

    2Admins:Could you be so kind to upload full CD image (ISO, IMG) on old-games if you have one? It will be great! Full rip is good too.
    Последнее редактирование: 10 июл 2008
  5. kreol Старший офицер Чёрной Гвардии



    2 июл 2007
    Lost Point, add-ons will be.
  6. Condor005


    9 июл 2008
    Roddy MacStew, kreol и Alexandrin нравится это.
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