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Добавленные видеоролики

  Название игры, год Жанр Платформа Количество видеороликов
1 American McGee's Alice - 2000 Action Windows 1
2 Civil War, The - 1995 Strategy DOS 1
3 Jack Flash - 1994 Arcade DOS 1
4 Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator: WWII Europe Series - 1998 Simulation Windows 1
5 MiG Alley - 1999 Simulation Windows 1
6 Scooter's Magic Castle - 1993 Edutainment DOS 1
7 Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative - 1985 Interactive Fiction DOS 1
8 Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy - 1986 Interactive Fiction DOS 1
9 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? - 1985 Edutainment DOS 1
10 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? - 1990 Edutainment DOS 1
11 Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (Deluxe Edition) - 1992 Edutainment DOS 1