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Commodore 64 Guide

Тема в разделе "International Zone", создана пользователем Neville, 17 июн 2023.

  1. Neville


    25 апр 2023

    The Commodore 64 is an American 8-bit computer released in 1982, and one of the most popular ever produced. In the USA it sold more computers than the Apple II and the IBM PC. It wasn't as successful in Europe, although in the UK it sold almost as well as the ZX Spectrum. Overall, the C64 sold an estimated 12 million units until 1995.

    Technically speaking the C64 has a few quirks. Unlike its rivals of the time, it doesn't employ a Zilog Z80 CPU, but a MOS Technology 6510/8500 at 0.985 MHz. Whatever it lacked in CPU power, however, was compensated by its proprietary video and sound chips, the VIC II and the SID 6581 (later replaced by the 8580). They both have unique characteristics that received a lot of attention on their day.

    On the minus side, and because of these unique traits, C64 games rarely look and sound like other computer versions. They had to be programmed from zero, and some developers, especially European ones, preferred to skip the C64 version of their games, or commissioned them to other houses.

    However, the longevity and popularity of the system also means we have several unique titles that weren't converted to other 8 bit computers. Games such as Test Drive, the entire Elvira saga or graphic adventures like Maniac Mansion or Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders.

    Maniac Mansion on the C64


    In this guide we'll be using the Denise emulator. It's an excellent C64 emulator that recently added Amiga 1000/500 emulation.


    C64 games come in three different forms: Cartridges were popular at the beginning of the system, but most companies stopped producing them after some time. It likely was because of the cost per capacity ratio.

    Tapes were the most popular format in Europe, as they were very cheap to produce.

    And finally, disks were the preferred method of distribution in the USA. The C64 used 5 1/4 inches disks with a capacity of 170 Kb.

    In Denise we load all three formats from the C64 --> Load software menu.

    - Cartridges will load immediately after you insert them.

    - Tapes will start loading immediately if you you click on Autostart. On a real C64 -or another emulator- we'd press the SHIFT and RUN/STOP keys at the same time, then press PLAY on the tape unit.

    - With disks you also have the option to Autostart the disk. This equals to entering LOAD”*”,8,1 in a real C64, meaning "Load and run the first program in the disk". This will work with 99% of the games. In those cases were it doesn't, you can select individual files from the blue window in the right:


    If a file doesn't run after you've loaded it, enter the command RUN.

    Loading from disk and tape can be rather tedious. You should map any key to the Fast-Forward option, which you can do in the Options --> Input / Hotkeys menu, and use it liberally.

    If you don't, loading from tape can take up to 5 minutes per game. And the C64 disk drive, the Commodore 1541, was infamously slow even for its time.


    Once the game has loaded, there's another C64 quirk. The C64 had two joystick ports, and most games are programmed to use the second one. If your joystick doesn't respond, go to the Control menu and click on C64 swap Ports.


    Последнее редактирование: 21 июн 2023
    Das_Monster, Reiko, Михаил_128к и ещё 1-му нравится это.
  3. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    There are several C64 games I could reccomend to the curious, but I think none of them is as perfect as Mr. SID's unofficial port of Prince of Persia.

    It was released in 2011 and Mr. SID (A.K.A. Andreas Varga) used the source code of the original Apple II version to create it. It sort of "cheats", because it needs an EasyFlash memory expansion to run on real hardware, but it is a proper port of the game, with all its stages.

    You can get it from here. I strongly advise you to download the CRT version if you want to avoid the prolongued loading times.
    Das_Monster, Dimouse и Михаил_128к нравится это.
  4. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Time for more recommendations for the system...

    The first one is Turrican, one of the best arcades of all time. On paper there's little to differentiate it from many others: an impossible quest, a ton of weapons available, another ton of enemies...

    What makes it so different and so great it's that it encourages the player to explore the maps in the search of bonuses and alternate paths. So much that it could be considered the precursor of the Metroid-vania genre. Yes, the game is action packed, but the scroll is multi-directional, and although the levels are pretty straight-forward at the beginning there are surprises very soon. After a few levels, for instance, you can even skip some of the end-level bosses if you choose the right path.

    Turrican is available for many different systems, and if you choose the Amiga version you'll be rewarded with pristine graphics and music by Chris Huelsbeck. The C64 version, however, it's the original one.

    My second recommendation is Out Run. The computer versions of Out Run have a very poor reputation, and rightly so. Most of them were made by Probe - US Gold and are pitiful, moving very slow and lacking the excitement from the arcade. Even the 16-bit versions are subpar, with mediocre graphics and handling. Until the Sega and NEC consoles home users didn't have proper versions of this classic.

    This C64 version however is pretty good. It has decent graphics, great speed and all the music from the arcade. The handling could be improved, and the roadside decoration is very basic, but it's easily the best computer version of the game. It was distributed by US Gold, but commissioned to another developer rather than Probe, and it shows on the result.
    Das_Monster и Михаил_128к нравится это.
  5. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    It's too hot outside to take out my bike, so here's another quick lesson on the C64... the color palette.

    Because you've probably noticed by now that all my C64 snaps look consistently drab. And maybe you've even asked yourself if the C64 was meant to look like that. Well, there's no simple answer to that. Former C64 users -which I'm not- will tell you colors used to look much brighter than this on their computers.

    However, the original C64 were meant to use old NTSC screens, which are adjustable. While researching the subject, it turned out not even former C64 users agree in how bright the C64 graphics should look like. One of them even joked that the NTSC acronym meant Never The Same Color.

    So... which are the right settings? The ones you're comfortable with. Although increasing the color saturation wouldn't hurt.

    Under Denise you do that through the C64 --> Presentation option.


    If these values look too confusing to you, just change the saturation value to 150 and the results should be noticeable.

    However, if you want better results, you need to go to C64 --> Palette:


    There you'll see plenty of presets to try.

    Here's the loading screen of Arkanoid 2 with both the Colodore PAL and RGB palettes:



    Quite the difference, isn't it?

    C64 purists should also try VICE. This emulator offers a wide variety of palettes as well. You can pick them from this menu:



    The game Klax with default values.


    The game Klax using the VICE palette.

    As I said, it's your choice.


    Последнее редактирование: 27 июн 2023
    Das_Monster и Михаил_128к нравится это.
  6. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    More fun with your emulated C64...

    This is a modern port of Super Mario Bros. developed by ZeroPaige in 2019, and you can get it here. As always with the C64, the cartridge version is preferred because of its instant loading times.

    And this is not the only console port to the C64... Mr. SID also ported Sonic the Hedgehog to the system in 2021.

    However, he only made a disc version, and you also need to configure a RAM expansion of at least 256 Kb. to play. If you set up an expansion of 512 Kb. or more the game loads itself entirely into it, making the loading times more bearable.

    It can be downloaded here.
    Последнее редактирование: 7 июл 2023
    Das_Monster нравится это.
  7. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Just like I did on the ZX Spectrum guide, today I'm going to talk about Commodore's computers previous to the C64. I bet for some users this is going to be like a trip to the age of dinosaurs, but I find the matter interesting, and I think it also provides some valuable perspective on Commodore's background in the field.

    Before 1977 Commodore wasn't interested in computers. Their business basically involved typewriters and calculators. The latter implied using hardware from Texas Instruments , which provided their CPUs. However in 1977 TI decided to start building their own calculators, and Commodore had to look for another hardware source. It turned to MOS Technology . When this happened, one of its engineers named Chuck Peddle propossed Jack Tramiel, the head of Commodore, to produce computers as well, and Tramiel accepted. This partnership between MOS Technology and Commodore lasted until the C128 was released in 1985. Until then all Commodore computers used CPUs provided by MOS Technology.


    Their first computer was the Commodore PET , sold between 1977 and 1982. The PET was a monochrome computer based on the MOS Technology 6502 CPU at 1 MHz, although some later models employ the Motorola 6809. RAM size was 4-32 Kb. It was designed to compete with the Apple II and the Tandy TRS-80 . It had a more advanced BASIC than its competitors, but was also not very reliable and its rubber keyboard drew criticism. However, after the introduction of the 4000 series it did very well on the educational market because of its robust design, managing to obtain around 65% of the market. Commodore also tried to introduce the PET into businesses, but there it was less succesful because it wasn't compatible with the CP/M OS, which required an Intel 8080 or Zilog Z80 CPU.

    Commodore PETs load software from their embedded cassette units or external disk drives. The PET is best emulated using the VICE emulator (run the xpet.exe program) and has little to offer in terms of games: a few boardgames and clones of arcade hits such as Space Invaders ...

    Space Invaders for the PET

    Games can be autostarted from the File --> Smart attach menu, but the commands are pretty simple anyway. For tapes, we type LOAD"NAME-OF-THE-PROGRAM" , then RUN . For disks, you either type LOAD"$",0 to load the first program on disk or LIST , to see the contents of the disk, then LOAD"NAME-OF-THE-PROGRAM" and RUN .

    Commodore followed the PET with the VIC-20 in 1980:


    Despite being designed as a low cost machine, the VIC-20 was a far more advanced computer than the PET, featuring both color graphics and sound. It still had a 6502 CPU from MOS Technology, but also between 5 and 32 Kb. RAM and dedicated sound and graphics chips. The later was named VIC and was the "father" of the VIC-II video chip of the C64 . It could output color graphics using a 176×184 resolution. All these changes were introduced to give the VIC-20 a chance against the Apple II and the newer Tandy TRS-80 Color Computers . Although the VIC-20 was criticized for being underpowered it sold extremely well, over a million units.

    Unlike the PET, the VIC-20 had a wide game library of around 300 titles. Among them were classic text adventures by Scott Adams or arcade conversions like Dig Dug or Donkey Kong . VIC-20 programs could come in tape, disk or cartridge form.

    To emulate them we also use the VICE emulator (xvic.exe this time) and the autostart option.

    Pac-Man for the VIC-20

    The cartridge games can give us some trouble... they need to be loaded specifying the cart size, but it's usually on the filename:


    Finally, Commodore launched the Plus/4 computers in 1984, with the C64 already in the market.


    With the Plus/4 Commodore attempted to divide the computer market in two, expecting the gaming community to keep buying the C64 while small business owners should opt for the Plus/4 instead. The name Plus/4 came from four applications included in the computer ROM: word processor, spreadsheet, database and graphics.

    The Plus/4 kept using MOS Technology CPUs, this time a 7501/8501 at 0.88 - 1.79 MHz. It also had 64 Kb. RAM and could display color graphics at 160x200 and 320x200 resolutions.

    Unlike the PET and the VIC-20 , the Plus/4 sold very poorly. This time Commodore was heavily criticized for introducing a new incompatible machine into an already established market, confusing users and sellers. And gamers were already moving on to the IBM PC and the Tandy 1000 anyway.

    The Commodore 16 and Commodore 116 are low cost variants of the Plus/4 . They don't include the above mentioned programs and reduce RAM to 16 Kb. They are generally compatible with Plus/4 software, but only if said software doesn't need more than 16 Kb of RAM. This also means many Plus/4 programs don't make full use of their 64 Kb. memory.

    Again, the best option to run Plus/4 games is the VICE emulator . This time we use the xplus4.exe program, and we autoload the programs just like we did with the PET and the VIC-20.

    Plus/4 games come either on tape or disk form and there's plenty to choose. My TOSEC set contains around 250 tapes, 730 PRG files and 25 disk images.

    Way of the Exploding Fist for the Plus/4
    Последнее редактирование: 9 июл 2023
    Das_Monster нравится это.
  8. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    I'm bored again, so you get an update. Today it's time to talk about the C128 .


    Pretty, huh? The Commodore C128 is a 1985 upgrade to the C64, and like the later C64s it employs a redesigned flat case. The ameliorations consist of the following:

    - A MOS Technology 8502 CPU operating at 2 Mhz., but fully compatible with the 6510/8500 at 0.985 Mhz of the C64.
    - A second CPU, a Zilog Z80 at 2 Mhz. This, together with a disk drive, made the computer compatible with CP/M 3.0 . CP/M was a competitor/alternative to DOS available for many 8/16 bit computers of the time. Being CP/M compatible meant access to a much wider software library.
    - 128 Kb. RAM size.
    - A new 80 columns text mode.
    - New 1570, 1571 and 1581 disk drives, much more reliable and faster than the ones previously available for the C64. The 1581 uses 3'5 floppy disks with 800 Kb. of capacity and can read DOS formatted disks.

    The C128 can operate exactly like a C64 in several ways: inserting a C64 cartridge, holding down the Commodore key while booting or entering GO64 from the C128 BASIC.


    Unfortunately, not many games make use of the C128 capabilities. Several Infocom text adventures can use the 80 column mode, and the RPG Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny will use the extra RAM to play music ingame. That's it.

    The C128 was a success for the Commodore, selling over four million units.
    Последнее редактирование: 12 июл 2023
    Das_Monster нравится это.
  9. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    An AVGN video I recently saw reminded me that the C64 had a large number of faulty games. Even more than the usual for an 8-bit computer, where a programming or duplicating error could leave a whole batch of games impossible to complete.

    Over the years I've struggled to get working copies of some C64 games, such as Turbo Out Run or Test Drive 2 . While doing so, a great place I discovered was The C-64 Scene Database . They catalog C64 game dumps, document long-standing bugs and offer downloads.

    A particularly nasty case is the RoboCop game from Ocean. It's one of those cases were the game was knowingly released broken.


    Why did that happen? My guess is that the rest of the versions were already completed and the C64 one risked delaying the deadline. So instead of hiring extra hands and fixing the broken 5th stage, they preferred to make the 4th impossible to complete. Problem solved!

    Luckily, this hacked version solves all the above mentioned problems. The game should be now completable, and it even comes with a trainer that allows you to play any stage. And shame on you, Ocean. Seriously, what a dick move.

    And here's another example: the English version of Livingstone, I presume cannot be completed because of one byte.

    Последнее редактирование: 14 июл 2023
    Das_Monster и Михаил_128к нравится это.
  10. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    I've found an article about more C64 broken games. Some have been fixed, others not, but it's worth the read.

    Das_Monster нравится это.
  11. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Das_Monster и AndyFox нравится это.
  12. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Let's go with another C64 curiosity I didn't mention before... you may already know that the C64 sound chip, the SID, had a lot of uncommon characteristics, and how this may have lead to the birth of the demoscene.

    Well, here's something you don't gwet to see in other 8-bit computers of its time: many C64 tape games play music while the game loads. And probably nobody did this better than Ocean, as this melody that played while "Hyper Sports" loaded demonstrates:

    Das_Monster нравится это.
  13. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    I found this funny... there's a new-ish homebrew for the system called Juanje Juega in Sinverland where the player needs to escape from screens 22 based on legendary 8-bit games, such as Pong, Pac-Man or Arkanoid.



    The game can be downloaded for free from itch.io.
    Das_Monster нравится это.
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