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Hacks / translations for your favorite 8-16-bit console games

Тема в разделе "International Zone", создана пользователем Neville, 6 окт 2023.

  1. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Although I've been collecting ROMs for my favorite consoles for years, it's not until relatively recently that I've started caring about hacks. I mean, the real thing should be enough for everyone, right? Yet, there are so many cool hacks out there that's hard to ignore them.

    In this thread I'll list some of my favorite console game hacks. It won't be a complete list by any means, just an apetizer for those who are willing to try some of them a an apetizer. In the case of some systems, I'll link to more extensive lists, but you shouldn't consider them complete either.

    I also won't be covering *every* system, just the ones I'm more familiar with their hacking scenes.

    In all cases, the place to visit regularly is the Romhacking website. There you can find entries for most games of the era, information on every patch and what it does and also patching tools and instructions. Sensible hackers / translators will advertise their work on the website, but not all of them do.

    So... classic games hacks. Roughly, there are three kinds of them.

    1) Translations . Some wouldn't consider these as hacks, but I do. Back in the day, companies like Nintendo didn't consider there was a western market for genres such as strategy or RPGs. This means that many of these games remained Japanese-only until translation teams took over.

    Sar Ocean (SNES) English translation

    Of course, Nintendo wasn't the only company who had Japanese exclusive titles. Sega, NEC and Sony also had them.

    The main things to check when downloading a translation is a) Is it complete? I'd forget if it isn't. And b) Does it work in real hardware? The late Byuu was very critical of translations that didn't. If it relies on emulator-only features, it could stop working on future emulators. That it works on real hardware also proves the team behind it went the extra mile to deliver a finished product.

    2) New levels . These are quite popular, especially for sagas such as Super Mario , Metroid and Sonic . The common denominator of these "expansions" is their difficulty. They are made by connaisseurs for connaisseurs. Sometimes they are near to impossible to complete unless you are aware of bugs or undocumented features of the original, so thread carefully.

    Painful World Spikes Kaizo for Sonic (Genesis/Mega Drive)

    3) Improvement . These are my favorite kind of hacks, and the definition is... encompassing to say the least. There are patches that improve controls, solve bugs, remove censorship, change color palettes... you name it. Extreme cases are the ones that colorize Game Boy games or the case of Sonic 3D Blast , where the author himself patched a game he considered unfinished until now.

    Sonic 3D Blast DX (Genesis/Mega Drive)

    Super Mario Land DX (Game Boy)
    Последнее редактирование: 10 окт 2023
    Aynane, Alex Kagansky, Ulysses и ещё 1-му нравится это.
  3. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    I'll start with the Game Boy / Game Boy Color. There's a list Lem posted on Reddit that's still fairly complete. If anything, check out for more colorization projects that arrived afterwards, they use to carry the DX flag.

    For instance, Lem couldn't mention Super Mario Land 2 DX or Dr. Mario DX because they didn't exist yet.

    ai.imgur.com_Y5Hs3zc.png ai.imgur.com_SDupKSf.png

    Aso check out the different patches for the Pokemon series. In some cases, they allow for the games to be completed without the need to connect with another console.
    --- добавлено 6 окт 2023, предыдущее сообщение размещено: 6 окт 2023 ---
    Now the Nintendo Entertainment System... here is where things start getting serious.

    Like with the previous system, Lem also wrote a list of remarkable hacks / translations on Reddit.

    But of course, since then a lot of things have changed. First of all, we have like a ton of translations he didn't mention, such as those for the Dragon Ball games or the Namco version of Star Wars.

    Special mention should be made to the game Hitler no Fukkatsu: Top Secret. This was the Japanese version of Bionic Commando, and features an alternate plot concerning the resurrection of Hitler or something. Therefore, playing a translated Japanese ROM really improves the experience.

    ai.imgur.com_vieI8sa.png ai.imgur.com_MUVlNWD.png

    Also, he didn't anticipate that translators would turn their attention to the Famicom Disk System. This was a floppy disk addon for the NES that featured its own game library, and none of both were ever released outside of Japan. Since Lem posted about the NES, FDS gems such as Akumajou Dracula or Hikari Shinwa: Palthena no Kagami have been translated into English.

    Now, hacks...

    A personal favorite are the easier editions of both Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back. I'm not normally in favor of hacks that make games easier, but these two were incredibly difficult even for their time, so a chance to progress further into the game is welcome. Similar patches also exist for other games, such as the Double Dragon series and, of course, Ghosts'n Goblins.

    ai.imgur.com_sxewvlU.png ai.imgur.com_4jMwYt7.png

    Patches also exist that fix the samples in several NES games, such as Journey to Silius or Klax, which suffer from an issue called "bit-reversal".

    I should also mention the efforts to fix the games Lemmings (Graphics and color palette), RoboCop 2 (slippery controls) and Maniac Mansion (censored items and dialogue restored).

    Another personal favorite is RoboCop: Texas Edition, which greatly improves the graphics in the game:


    The same author recently made public asimilar improvement for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

    EDIT: A few NES hacks I forgot to mention earlier, all for unlicensed games.

    Once upon a time, there was this unlicensed game for the NES called Somari, that tried to be Sonic the Hedgehog but wasn't. Now that Sega won't likely care, some people have tried to turn it into a proper Sonic game:

    ai.imgur.com_bZYjbsq.png ai.imgur.com_m3SGawC.png

    The project is called Sonic the Hedgehog Vol. 2.

    Then there's Contra Spirits, an attempt to backport Contra III. The original game suffers from a number of issues, and New music + Improvements tries to fix them. A separate patch exists that fixes a typo on the ed screen.

    And finally, there's Street Fighter 2 for the NES, which is actually called Super Fighter III. The aptly called Street Fighter II project attempts to turn it into a proper port of the game for the NES:

    ai.imgur.com_dMIUeyp.png ai.imgur.com_3hnQY5G.png
    Последнее редактирование: 7 окт 2023
    Aynane, Alex Kagansky и Das_Monster нравится это.
  4. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Ufortunately, we don't have a list for SNES hacks, and it's likely the system with a more active scene.

    Starting with translations , we have tons of them. Most of those are for RPGs that only got released in Japan, but there are also some action games, such as the Dragon Ball fighting games or Disney titles such as Donald Duck no Mahou no Boushi or Magical Adventure . Mega Man Japanese exclusives like Rockman & Forte or Rockman 7: Shukumei no Taiketsu! also have translations available.

    ai.imgur.com_1vRmVEE.png ai.imgur.com_M0NIerT.png

    This is an incomplete list of Japanese-only RPG games that have received English translations over the years.

    Bahamut Lagoon
    Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story
    Der Langrisser
    Dragon Quest I & II
    Dragon Quest III: Soshite Densetsu e...
    Dragon Quest V: Tenkuu no Hanayome
    Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
    GOD: Mezame yo to Yobu Koe ga Kikoe
    Ganbare Goemon I-IV
    Herakles no Eikou III: Kamigami no Chinmoku
    Heracles no Eikou IV: Kamigami kara no Okurimono
    Laplace no Ma / Laplace's Demon
    Live A Live
    Madou Monogatari: Hanamaru Daiyouchi Enji
    Majin Tensei I-II
    Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible III
    Mystic Ark
    Princess Minerva

    Ranma 1/2: Akanekodan Teki Hihou
    Record of Lodoss War
    Romancing SaGa
    Romancing SaGa 3
    Rudra no Hihou / Treasure of the Rudras
    Seiken Densetsu III
    : Secret of Mana
    Shin Megami Tensei if...
    Shin Megami Tensei II
    Star Ocean
    Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
    Tales of Phantasia
    Tenchi Muyo!: Game Hen
    Tengai Makyou Zero / Far East of Eden Zero
    (NOTE: Translations for this game won't work on older emulators lacking RTC emulation)
    Treasure Hunter G
    Wizardry 1-2-3: The Story of Llylgamyn
    Wizardry Gaiden IV: Taima no Kodou
    Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom
    Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge
    Xak: The Art of Visual Stage
    Ys IV: Mask of the Sun
    Ys V: Ushinawareta Suna no Miyako Kefin / Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand

    FastROM / SA1 / SuperFX patches have also become very popular for the platform. They attempt to address the slowdowns that plague SNES games, the result of the console using a slower CPU than the competition. They are available for a plethora of games, such as Axelay , Doom , Gradius III , Pilot Wings and StarFox.

    ai.imgur.com_dkbpkvV.png ai.imgur.com_1ANJ6pf.png

    Hackers have been really busy with the Final Fantasy series too. Re-translations, ameliorations of every kind and new campaigns are available for every title in the series. Hacks for Final Fantasy V deserve especial attention, as the game is sometimes considered the ugly duckling of the saga.

    Super Mario Kart
    and Super Mario World have also attracted much attention from the hackers, with many new circuits and levels available for the diehard fans out there. Just don't complain about the difficulty.

    As for improvement hacks, there's not much I'd recommend. There's Mother 2 for EarthBound , which restores censored content from the Japanese version, and a Restoration for Final Fight 3 undoing some of its censorship. Oh, and if you take your Mortal Kombat with blood splashes, there are also patches for that.

    Finally, I'd like to bring up Prince of Persia . It's one of my favorite games on any platform, and the SNES version got some very nice patches. Restoration , as usual, undoes some censorship for the western versions of the game, but the jewel of the crown is the so-called 30th Anniversary Port . Not only does it bring back the game to its original Apple II / DOS glory, but it also expands it to 20 levels. Truly a gem.

    ai.imgur.com_m2wDjfG.png ai.imgur.com_murcJLH.png

    Последнее редактирование: 11 окт 2023
    Aynane и Das_Monster нравится это.
  5. Virgil Администратор



    2 янв 2005
    I don't know many, except the translation work, but I liked the recent update for Doom port for Sega 32x. The game was released there ahead of the other systems but was plagued with sub-par performance, downgrades and there was no music. Now, Sega 32x was an addon for Megadrive/Genesis that had two additional 32-bit CPUs so it was potentially up for the task. Now, in 32x Resurrection there's better speed, higher resolution, new palette, soundtrack, bugfixes and even a new networking mode.

    Anyway, it's odd to call all of it "romhacks" - community patches or mods would be more suitable than somewhat dismissive "hacks". And btw, we do translations here, that involve lotsa hacking but I think all of them are for computer platforms.
  6. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Yep, I planned to cover the "Doom 32x" modifications when I reached the system. They truly have done a great job with that port.

    As for "romhacks", "hacks" and such terminology... I'd rather call them "patches" or "unofficial patches". But when it comes to writing long texts I hate repeating myself. So "hacks" and "romhacks" will likely appear again on the thread. No offense intended, of course.
    Последнее редактирование: 7 окт 2023
  7. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Let's go with the Sega Game Gear & Master System consoles...

    Lem also left a list on Reddit with hacks and translations for these consoles. You can see it here.

    However, I think I'll stick to my own list.

    These consoles don't have a game library as big as the NES and the SNES, thank all deities. But what we have is very interesting. I'll start with the translations.

    The Game Gear has plenty of Japanese-only games that got translated over the years: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S , Eternal Legend: Eien no Densetsu , Godzilla: Kaijuu Daishingeki , al three Madou Monogatari games for the system, Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible , Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible Special , Phantasy Star Adventure , Shining Force Gaiden: Final Conflict ...

    ai.imgur.com_X8FbaW2.png ai.imgur.com_NVw8at6.png

    Most of them are RPGs, which Sega considered wouldn't interest western gamers. But there's also the ocasional action platformer, like Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S.

    As for improvement patches, we do have a bugfix for Chessmaster that solves some AI freezes and an amelioration for Sonic the Hedgehog that brings it closer to the Master System port. It's called SMS Style Edition .

    Now let's talk about the Master System patches.

    I'd say the most interesting ones are the FM patches . Because the Japanese models of the console had a FM synthesis chip that later western models hadn't. This means that while some Japanese games have FM soundtracks, their western counterparts have only PSG sounds. Luckily hackers eventually found that western cartridges still had the FM code, it was just no accessible by regular means, and a series of FM patches were created.

    This is a list of the games that AFAIK can be patched to play FM sounds: Battle Out Run , Double Hawk , Dynamite Dux , Rambo III , Sonic the Hedgehog , Summer Games , Wonderboy III: The Dragon's Trap and Ys: The Vanished Omens .

    Those you can't find at Romhacking will likely be available at SMS Power!

    There's also a short list of improvement hacks I'd recommend: Golden Axe Tyris Flare adds said character to the game, and Sonic Genesis tries to bring Sonic the Hedgehog as close to the 16-bit version as possible.

    ai.imgur.com_sAJotlA.png ai.imgur.com_Fe9i6L2.png

    EDIT: As usual I forgot something. You may know about Street Fighter II' for the SMS. It was developed in Brazil late in the lifespan of the console, and only works on Brazilian consoles and emulators. It's a very nice port, but patches exist that turn it into either The World Warrior or Champion Edition versions.

    ai.imgur.com_gRNcbZ8.png ai.imgur.com_db6AaWl.png
    Последнее редактирование: 8 окт 2023
    Aynane и Das_Monster нравится это.
  8. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Time to tackle the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive and its subsystems...

    Starting with translations , there don't seem to be many for the system, when compared to the Nintendo consoles. As usual, most of them are for strategy / RPG titles that only got a Japanese release, such as Langrisser II , Lord monarch , Rent a hero or the series of adventure games set in the Phantasy Star II universe.

    There's one translation that everyone should seek out, though, and that's the one for Bare Knuckle III / Streets of Rage III . The reason for that is that the western releases of the game suffered a significant number of alterations, mainly for the worse. So it's advisable to play a Japanese translated version rather than a western version.

    ai.imgur.com_UnIeNp3.png ai.imgur.com_4pIRqAy.png

    As for improvement patches , there are two trends of patches that seem exclusive to this system.

    The first one are SRAM patches. These add a saving mechanism to many games, and are very useful to users who prefer to play on real hardware. On the other hand, they have little interest foremulator users, since they can save at any moment.

    The second trend are alternate palettes for games. Many user find Genesis / Mega Drive games could benefit from a brighter palette, and patches are available for many games, such as Art of fighting , Castlevania: Bloodlines , Chaos Engine , Fatal Fury 2 , Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden , Golden Ax I -III , Joe & Mac , New Zealand Story , Out Run ... the list is long.

    ai.imgur.com_lC8Ki4S.png ai.imgur.com_CFpH3Zg.png
    Donus Remix for Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden

    Both the Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat games have received remarkable attention from hackers. In the case of the Street Fighter II games for the system, users often complain of the color palette, missing features and poor voice samples, and a number of initiatives exist that attempt to solve the issues. The hacks by Pyron and Lord Hiryu for both SF2 and SSF2 are highly reccomended.

    ai.imgur.com_A7lJX5q.png ai.imgur.com_0d3TZUG.png

    The same can be said of the MK2 Unlimited and Arcade hacks for both MK and UMK3 . They bring those games much closer to their arcade contrasts.

    Finally, there's a list of games that also greatly benefited from unofficial patches. They are these:

    Ghostbusters Special Edition: New playable character, gameplay adjustments.
    Golden Ax Plus: Enhanced palette, gameplay adjustments.
    Prince of Persia Remastered Edition: New music and sound effects, better timings, bugfixes, final fight from Jaffar taken from the Japanese version and much more.
    Prince of Persia 2 Remastered Edition: Music, samples and palettes restored from PC version. Level 9 bug fixed.
    Sonic 3D Blast: Director's Cut: Created by the game's author, Jon Burton. Bugfixes, improved controls and new features.
    Tom & Jerry: Frantic Antics Improvement: Bigger resolution, play as Tom or Jerry.
    Zombies Ate My Neighbors Wide Mode: Increased resolution.

    As I've said before, I'm not a fan of patches that modify difficulty, but I've found these ones to be worthwhile:

    Bart Vs The Space Mutants Redux: Improved controls, less objects needed to finish stage.
    Judge Dredd Redux: Dredd starts with more weapons and can jump higher.
    Turrican Health Fix & Unlimited Continue: The first stage is considerably harder than in other ports, this fixes it.
    Shadow Dancer 3 Hitpoint Patch: 3 hits energy bar.
    Ys III Rebalanced: Player starts out with a sword and bosses have less energy.
    --- добавлено 10 окт 2023, предыдущее сообщение размещено: 10 окт 2023 ---
    Sega 32X games also have some interesting hacks available.

    Starting with the most remarkable, the 32X port of Doom have received a number of improvments, increasing performance, re-adding stages from the PC and Jaguar versions and restoring music. Both 32X Resurrection and Doom 32x: Delta Edition are highly reccomended hacks.

    ai.imgur.com_ij19J5W.png ai.imgur.com_HXjI3B9.png
    32X Resurrection

    Aso interesting are the attempts to turn the prototype of Pinocchio into a more or less finished game. Efforts have focused mainly on the color palette and the tempo of the music and FX for 60 Hz. regions.

    Finally, an Ultimate Edition patch exists for Mortal Kombat II 32X that brings it closer to the arcade version, and another one that brings back the Sonic character to Knuckles Chaotix.

    ai.imgur.com_muI3Fqe.png ai.imgur.com_5WvCXfT.png

    Patches for the Sega CD / Mega CD are even rarer, but a few do exist:

    Final Fight CD
    has two different patches that bring the color palette closer to the arcade.
    Road Rash has a patch that improves performance and adds 6-buttons control.
    Secret of Monkey Island has a patch with brighter colors.
    Sonic CD++ adds several moves to Sonic, such as spin dash.
    Wolfchild CD: Level 2 Restoration: Restores scroll to the backgrounds in level 2.
    Последнее редактирование: 10 окт 2023
    Aynane, Alex Kagansky и Das_Monster нравится это.
  9. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Today I'll give you an overview of translations and patches on the PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 .

    This was a NEC videoconsole that did very well in Japan, but failed in the USA and Europe. In my country I think it wasn't even available through official channels, although it could be bought by mail order. It likely didn't deserve that fate, because it was a very nice system, with an 8-bit CPU but a 16-bit graphic processor. In my opinion, it was the victim of the war between Sega and Nintendo consoles at the time, which left very little space for other options.

    Other people around the net think the reason of its failure in the west was that its game catalog was "too Japanese", without enough recognizable games for western gamers. Hence the amateur translations that arrived with time.

    As usual, the first one to catch my eye are for RPGs and strategy titles: Gai Flame , Shiryou Sensen: War of the Dead , Lady Sword ...

    ai.imgur.com_iQacIeU.png ai.imgur.com_a04CFqH.png

    To make things even more interesting, I think many of these are exclusive titles.

    But since many action or platform games never got English versions at the time, most translations that exist are for those. And they're also very welcome, because otherwise it's very hard to make any progress into games like City Hunter or Die Hard without understanding Japanese:

    ai.imgur.com_jMtEnFp.png ai.imgur.com_nfVK2QS.png

    The PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 was also one of the first consoles to get a companion CD drive. And luckily hackers have also done their magic with some of its best-known games.

    So naturally, one of the first to get a translation was for Castlevania: Rondo of Blood :

    ai.imgur.com_8O627ez.png ai.imgur.com_WaQ9Rr1.png

    It's one of the best regarded games in the series and also a TurboGrafx-CD exclusive. In other words, an essential title.

    But we also have finished translations for Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon , Madou Monogatari , Private Eye Dol , Super Daisenryaku , Ys IV: Dawn of Ys and Xak III among others.

    ai.imgur.com_oDV0XA5.png ai.imgur.com_CrYq2cz.png
    Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon and Ys IV

    A few improvement patches are also available for the system. However I'd only advise to apply the noise fixes that exist for some games like Chase HQ or Shinobi .
    Последнее редактирование: 13 окт 2023
    Aynane и Das_Monster нравится это.
  10. TBAPb MIA



    26 сен 2005
  11. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    For such an old franchise, Sailor Moon games have become a very common sight in any platform, and there are of all kinds: fighting, beat 'em up, puzzles, adventures, RPGs...
  12. Riemann80


    31 авг 2021
    I once worked on a translation of Surging Aura, but the old Dos-based tool I used wasn't developed far enough. I wish I had the skill and knowledge to program a tool myself, since all the tools seem to be run on Windows only.
  13. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    ED-209 нравится это.
  14. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Oh yes. After years of aborted projects, vaporware and rumors, the first English translation for Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits: Bushidou Retsuden , better known as Samurai Shodown RPG has been made public. It's a Neo Geo CD exclusive and fans from all over the world have been waiting for a translation for ages.


    ai.imgur.com_RCCNzkv.png ai.imgur.com_cRE2T2T.png

    Information and download here.

    EDIT: I've had some trouble getting the game to work. It seems to run fine under FB Neo, but first you need to convert the patched CD image to mode1-2352 bin/cue. At the FB message board they recomend to use the tool CDmage for this, and you can get it here.

    Последнее редактирование: 1 дек 2023
    B13, Aynane, AndyFox и 3 другим нравится это.
  15. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Yes, yes, yes. Tengai Makyou: Ziria for the TurboGrafx-CD just got an English translation.


    It's the first installation of the Far East of Eden RPG series, which was never released outside of Japan. So far the only translated entry was the prequel Far East of Eden: Zero for the SNES / SFC, and it took them long enough, because a complete translation wasn't released until 2017.

    ai.imgur.com_aJ3Vy6Y.png ai.imgur.com_40JNzk1.png

    The game is a Japanese RPG, similar in mechanics to Dragon Quest or the Phantasy Star series. The CD-ROM media allows for anime-style cutscenes and voice acting.

    Information and download here.

    If you need an emulator for the system I'd recommend either Mednafen (command line only, works better with the Mednaffe frontend)or Ootake .
    Aynane, Das_Monster и VladimIr V Y нравится это.
  16. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    These patches for CD-ROM games are not the easiest to apply. If you haven't succeeded yet, you can find already patched versions at CDRomance.
    Das_Monster нравится это.
  17. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Das_Monster нравится это.
  18. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    I didn't expect to update this thread but you know how it is, translations keep on coming, and some of them are remarkable enough.

    Like the English translation for Hokuto no Ken 3: Shin Seiki Souzou Seiken Retsuden aka First of the North Star 3 for the NES.

    Its a RPG based on said manga / anime / wathever, and so far it was only available in Japanese.

    Download here.

    Aso noteworthy is this translation for Bard's Tale (NES too). There's already an English localised version, but it's a cut-down version of the game.

    ai.imgur.com_L7vsd3m.png ai.imgur.com_h517pRl.png

    Download here.

    More: Definitive Edition patches for the three Ys games for the NES. They bundle the translations by David Mullen, the title hacks by Pacnsac Dave and other bugfixes.

    ai.imgur.com_qh21uB5.png ai.imgur.com_HfBZ5zr.png

    Definitive Edition patch for Ys I.

    Definitive Edition patch for Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished - The Final Chapter.

    Definitive Edition patch for Ys III: Wanderers from Ys

    And finally, there's an English translation for Seiryaku Simulation - Inbou no Wakusei: Shancara (NES too). It's a political simulator set in the distant planet of Shancara, which allows for all kinds of dirty tricks in order to become the first ruler of the planet.

    ai.imgur.com_3bwTp4c.png ai.imgur.com_SwCKrhr.png

    Information and download here.
    --- добавлено 4 мар 2024, предыдущее сообщение размещено: 4 мар 2024 ---
    As for hacks, there are a couple of SNES ones you should check out:

    BS F-Zero Deluxe recreates extra tracks from the Satellaview broadcasts of 1996-97, which were not available until now.


    And Indiana Jones' Greates Adventures EasyType Lite adds level selection and some changes to lower the difficulty level of the game. If you never got past that giant boulder or you simply want to see more of the game, this is for you.

    Aynane, Alex Kagansky, Das_Monster и 2 другим нравится это.
  19. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    As I mentioned before, the Famicom Disk System seems to finally have caught the eye of translation teams. This is an English patch for Koneko Monogatari: The Adventures of Chatran:

    ai.imgur.com_Wl2qb25.png ai.imgur.com_8Nb2J2N.png

    Unlike the movie, the authors claim the patch is free of animal cruelty xD

    Information and download here.

    Also, have you ever thought that Secret of Mana (for the Super Nintendo) could have done with a few more dungeons? Not a problem.

    ai.imgur.com_t4PU6UV.png ai.imgur.com_CIPgNEa.png

    Secret of Mana Plus v1.0 does just that.
    Aynane, Das_Monster и Ulysses нравится это.
  20. Virgil Администратор



    2 янв 2005
    Wow that's not something I would have expected to see on NES. I would think it's not on par with what was on PC during that time but still.
    VladimIr V Y нравится это.
  21. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Unfortunately, many of the weirder NES / Famicom games didn't get a western release at the time. Strategy and RPG games were the main victims, but also anything that could tarnish the family-friendly image than Nintendo wanted to present outside of Japan.
    VladimIr V Y нравится это.
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