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Hacks / translations for your favorite 8-16-bit console games

Тема в разделе "International Zone", создана пользователем Neville, 6 окт 2023.

  1. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Two recent restoration attempts for the fans:

    Sonic 1 – Fully Optimized 240P 4KEdition tries to give us a proper PAL version of Sonic The Hedgehog for the Genesis / Mega Drive. It eliminates slowdowns and borders, but also features other tweaks. Sonic for instance gets to do the attack move that was introduced in Sonic 2.

    ai.imgur.com_puTLMOC.png ai.imgur.com_Jm4qOg1.png

    And then there's Mortal Kombat Arkade Edition, which tries to turn the unlicensed Mortal Kombat II NES port into something closer to the original. It tweaks gameplay, sound, music and graphics.

    ai.imgur.com_FCscqYU.png ai.imgur.com_NdJK6AB.png

    (And please note that each and every one of the MK ports for the NES is unlicensed)
    Das_Monster нравится это.
  2. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Dracula II: Noroi no Fuuin (FDS) just got an English translation by BlackPaladin. It's the same game as Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES) but with a few differences, such as better music.

    ai.imgur.com_uonVF3p.png ai.imgur.com_K323mTi.png

    Information and download here.
    Das_Monster, Alex Kagansky и VladimIr V Y нравится это.
  3. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    We already had "Black" editions of Batman and Batman: Return of the Joker for the NES. Today I've noticed a new one for Batman Returns as well.

    ai.imgur.com_xMv6WLt.png ai.imgur.com_jj8BMQX.png

    It's a compilation of different hacks: copy protection removal, improved controls, optional hard mode, bugfix and altered title screens.

    Information and download here.

    If you haven't, I'd advise you to check out the other "Black" editions I mentioned too.

    EDIT: Just learned the Secret of Mana Plus SNES hack has been updated to v2.01.

    ai.imgur.com_AX29EF5.png ai.imgur.com_JWp3WUc.png

    This hack extends Secret of Mana on Snes.

    The new version is available here.
    Последнее редактирование: 26 ноя 2024
    Das_Monster и VladimIr V Y нравится это.
  4. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    This translation has been update to 1.0a. I advise you to get the new version, because it solves an important bug.
  5. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    It's not exactly my type of hack, but today I'm going to mention Bishoujo Super Street Fighter II: Glamor Queen for the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis.

    ai.imgur.com_htmEk59.png ai.imgur.com_DDNcrwL.png

    Normally I'd prefer hacks that subtly enhance the original experience, not leave games unrecognisable. In the case of SSF2, that would mean something like Lord Hiryu's remaster. However, after seeing this new hack I just can't ignore all the beautiful work that has gone into it.

    So yes, what Glamor Queen does to SSF2 is adding plenty of extra characters from other franchises, such as Mega Man, Fatal Fury and King of Fighters. But preferably those using the bishoujo aesthetics, which means pretty girls in school uniforms.

    You can obtain the latest version here.
    Das_Monster, Alex Kagansky и VladimIr V Y нравится это.
  6. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Two new hacks for the SNES library:

    1) Mega Man Soccer Restoration restores (duh) the endings to some of the game modes, allows you to play as Dr. Wily and a few other things.

    ai.imgur.com_WqDYRyz.png ai.imgur.com_8v1cWaq.png

    Link here.

    2) Normally I wouldn't post difficulty hacks here... but this one is for Battletoads, one of the most infamously difficult games of the system.


    Link here.
    Alex Kagansky, Das_Monster и VladimIr V Y нравится это.
  7. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    It seems that the last Mega Man GB game that wasn't colored just got a color patch. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mega Man World 4 DX :

    You can get the patch here.
    Последнее редактирование: 20 дек 2024
    Das_Monster нравится это.
  8. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Remember the Arkade Edition hack for Mortal Kombat II for the NES? It seems that the same team has done their magic with Mortal Kombat II Special as well.

    Their patch announces the following improvements:

    – Tweaks to each fighter's design
    – New fighter selection screen
    – New screen designs
    – Adjustments to the color scheme of some stages
    – New “Battle Plan” implemented
    – New continues screen
    – Missing stages added (Dead Pool, The Armory, and Wateland)
    – Endings for each character
    – New music, digital voices, and special effects
    – New Kintaro size
    – and more.

    You can get it from here.
    Virgil и Das_Monster нравится это.
  9. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Remember Bloody Warriors: Shan-Go no Gyakushuu? It's an RPG for the NES that so far had an English translation by ded302 and snark.

    ai.imgur.com_pDMNpm5.png ai.imgur.com_fQMyqBg.png

    But yesterday BlackPaladin released an addendum patch that according to RomHack Plaza "inserts almost all of the untranslated text in game, fixed many grammatical errors, and applied a new font to the game."

    Info and download here.
    Das_Monster и VladimIr V Y нравится это.
  10. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    I'm very impressed with this new Super Mario World hack. It's called Friends and Rivalry and it's a complete overhaul of the original. It features 9 worlds with +90 new levels.

    You can obtain it here.
    Das_Monster и VladimIr V Y нравится это.
  11. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    Ultraman: Kaijuu Teikoku no Gyakushuu for the Famicom Disk System has just received an English translation!

    ai.imgur.com_uqvx6gE.png ai.imgur.com_DwZhwcg.png

    It's an action platformer starring the Japanese superhero.

    Information and download here.
    Последнее редактирование: 22 янв 2025
    Das_Monster нравится это.
  12. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    This is very cool. I just found out about this hack for the NES version of RC Pro-Am that turns it into a Mario Kart game.


    Information and download here.
    Das_Monster нравится это.
  13. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    There's a new hack for Mortal Kombat 3 (SNES) called New Edition.

    ai.imgur.com_p77NlQj.png ai.imgur.com_4nJN7TY.png

    It unblocks several features:

    - Noob Kano is available in the secret character selection and also in the CPU tower
    - Noob Kano have all the fatalities from Kano
    - Shao Kahn, Motaro, and Smoke including against the CPU
    - Bosses can be controlled in all arenas
    - 180 credits to face the CPU
    - Secret Menus activated with a single button (down arrow)
    - 3 new arenas working without any crashes:The Vortex, Graveyard, Noob?s Dorfen

    The resulting ROM is 8 Mb. big, won't work in all emulators.

    Information and download here.
    Das_Monster нравится это.
  14. Neville


    25 апр 2023
    There's a new v1.1 update of the English translation for the Neo-Geo CD exclusive Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits Bushido Retsuden / Samurai Shodown RPG. It corrects a few bugs present in v1.0 and it's likely going to be the final version, according to the authors.

    ai.imgur.com_HG7NEOj.png ai.imgur.com_uZilmpx.png

    Information and download here.

    You can play the game under Final Burn Neo and Raine.
    Das_Monster, Aynane и VladimIr V Y нравится это.
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