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Open ISO game CD- i, VOYEUR?

Тема в разделе "International Zone", создана пользователем Thpwg, 16 янв 2025.

  1. Thpwg


    25 дек 2019
    Hi everyone! Всем привет!

    I'm looking for help to make a French adaptation of the game VOYEUR, developed by Philips P.O.V. Entertainment Group. I think it's possible, because there's a German patch that allows you to patch the US DOS edition from the German CD-i edition! I'd like to do the same with the French version, but I can't open the ISO with IsoBuster or similar.

    I'm not at all sure I'm up to such a patch, but I'd like to at least give it a try. Please, could a member of old-games.ru try to open the ISO CD-i of the French edition? It would be a good start to be able to extract the resources in French. I've written to the German patcher, but he hasn't replied. Not a simple matter. :umnik:

    Большое спасибо ^_^
  3. Thpwg


    25 дек 2019
    For IsoBuster to extract resources from a CD-i game, Windows 32bit is required. Extraction is impossible under Windows 11 64bits, you would get an error. I wanted to point this out for possible projects by old-games.ru members. I finally have the extraction. :yes:
    Dimouse нравится это.
  4. MrPepka


    11 сен 2020
    For CD-i you need an emulator of this console to run games
    CD-i Emulator Home
    With free editions you need to set an earlier date using the RunAsDate program to be able to run the emulator
  5. Thpwg


    25 дек 2019
    Hi MrPepka,

    Thank you, it's an interesting site for emulation, but my goal is to patch the US DOS game in French with the resources of the French CD-i edition. Unfortunately, Stefan Müller, the author of the German patch, hasn't replied to my e-mail and I don't know how to proceed. I think his technique involves using the French CD-i edition audio track to replace the US DOS edition soundtrack. Maybe it's more complicated, I'm not sure.

    On Stefan Muller's blog it says:If someone is interested in the tools to copy text and graphics from or to the Voyeur .BLT files or to exchange the audio/backgrounds of the .RL2 videos just contact me.” This is a real shame, as I'm sure it could be useful for other translation projects. There are many CD-i games in French, Italian, German, maybe even Russian, that are only in English on the PC.
    --- добавлено 20 янв 2025, предыдущее сообщение размещено: 20 янв 2025 ---
    In fact, the resources in the French CD-i game are compressed resources, containing the same files as in the DOS game. It's obvious, but I'm not aware of any tools for doing this.
  6. MrPepka


    11 сен 2020
    IsoBuster can extract mpeg videos, audio then you can extract using ffmpeg. With other resources it will be worse
  7. Virgil Администратор



    2 янв 2005
    The most Russian games on CDi would be Zelda or Mario which both had animations made by a Russian studio that forever cemented their reputation in a bustling world of kusogu. I'm not aware of any games in Russian as CD-i, an obscure platform as it is, was totally unknown here.
  8. Thpwg


    25 дек 2019
    Really! Can you explain it simply, so that I can understand the method?

    Here are the resources for the French CD-i edition:
    Here's the game directory with the full extration:
    VOYEUR FRENCH CD-i EXTRACTION.rar - Shared with pCloud

    I think you need to extract all BLT, RL2 and VOC files.
    If I patch the English DOS game with the German patch, the patch adds 139 files to a receiving directory. 2 BLT files. 73 RL2 files and 64 VOC files. I think the patch takes the soundtrack of the German CD-i version to replace the soundtrack of the US DOS.

    :worthy:I hope you understand better than I do...
    --- добавлено 20 янв 2025, предыдущее сообщение размещено: 20 янв 2025 ---
    My friend, I've got good news for Russian-speaking fans of the two Zelda CD-i titles who dream of being able to play them on PC in Russian. Please download the two attached games: Link The Faces of Evil Remastered and Zelda The Wand of Gamelon Remastered. It's just happiness.:yes:
    yplus и Virgil нравится это.
  9. MrPepka


    11 сен 2020
    Here's an audio file from this game, maybe it will help you port this translation to the PC version :)
  10. Thpwg


    25 дек 2019
    Very nice :) Did you extract with IsoBuster?
  11. MrPepka


    11 сен 2020
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