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What settings you'd like to see in your games

Тема в разделе "International Zone", создана пользователем Virgil, 12 янв 2012.

  1. Virgil Администратор



    2 янв 2005
    Not much action going in this forum, so I thought we should make some. Some people probably want to get some language practice. So, why not do it here? As for a topic of our discussion, let's talk about the settings, where the games are taking place, or, rather, which game settings or environments you'd like to see more often.

    As we all know, World War II with its dreaded Omaha beach is overused well beyond forgiveness, as well as any kind of "zombie infestation" game. It's actually quite ironic, because when George Romero made his original movies about individuals trapped in a supermarket, he meant it as a satire at then growing consumption society, and now we have major studios exploiting the same plot. So, other than that we have a quasi-Tolkien fantasy setting - you know, with sly elves, stout dwarves and ugly orcs or goblins. Always stuck in middle age environment, using same cliched premises. And, to a lesser extent, - theme of a nuclear apocalypse with its burnt-out cities, endless wastelands, mostly anarchic society - you know the drill. Let's better discuss which settings you'd like to see.
  3. DOS навсегда

    DOS навсегда

    28 янв 2010
    I want a real free-world sandbox game. Such a thing would take about a decade to develop I guess but seriously, come release date, it'd be worth it I think. Something like a game where you can literally do ANYTHING. I want a game where I can go do all the things I can't so in real life, like pulling the fire alarm at the supermarket (yes, I'm a nerd, I know, lol).

    I want a dynamic world where you can never predict what exactly will happen. A world with dynamic characters and events that happen based on their actual interactions according to their personality algorithms (not scripted events). I want to be able to hijack a plane, fly to Florida, and steal a space shuttle and fly to Mars.

    Like I say, such a game would take years upon years to code, and probably it would take technology itself even longer to advance personal computers to the point that they'd be able to play such a thing, but I still say it would definitely be worth it in the end.

    -DOS forever
    MrFlibble нравится это.
  4. MrFlibble


    23 мар 2008
    Hmm, the idea of such a game as you describe had occurred to me too, although I can't say it would have been a game I'd want to play, just interested if it would be possible to code such a game and get it to run on modern hardware. Such a game would, of course, require complete interactivity, exceptionally detailed environments and lots of cause-effect dependencies for every action or event that happens in the game world. TBH, I've no idea if this is doable on contemporary hardware, but it sure would require tons of effort on the designers/programmers' part to think all the dependencies and events through and make them work as a whole, as a complete world.

    That said, I think it would be nice to see more originality in fictional settings that are used in the games, be it fantasy, science fiction or something completely different. Virgil's spot on in that games today seem to recycle the same old clichés (or even good original ideas from the past) over and over again. OTOH, too much originality can make the game unappealing to many people because of the difference in tastes. Sometimes I think that clever game mechanics and balanced gameplay has become much more important than any kind of storyline for me now; I'm okay with any kind of excuse plot as long as the game itself is fun (e.g. Serious Sam). At any rate, I'm really not sure if a game - any game - should go very deep into exploring philosophical ideas (or whatever ideas for that matter), especially if this is done at the expense of the playing experience.
  5. Virgil Администратор



    2 янв 2005
    I hate the "sandbox" term, it's so often misused, just as with "cloud" technology. The thing is, the kind of games you've described, have been around for some decades. Surely, I don't mean total real world simulation, but titles like Terminator, TES: Arena or even Battlecruiser 3000 AD came close to realisation of seamless life-like worlds. The problem with that, is that you need to find a substantial workforce to make world believable, and not many studios can afford that. That's why developers often compromise between doing things manually and let the program to design environment, terrain or whatever by a pre-written algorithms. I think Skyrim is good example of alterating between filling the VR with "hand made" content and more generic "random".

    My personal fantasy for quite some time is a game set in 1920's in somewhat steampunk'd world. Instead of magic there are now zeppelins, monorail trains, tanks, mechanical TVs, primitive computing machines and other early wonders of technology. Instead of working for the mages guild, you can work as a radio or TV reporter or become an aide to an aspiring inventor, or maybe become an archeologist (that was a trendy profession back then). The First World War may be over or may be not, but that's not that important. Character classes would have to be redesigned too, since it's not a "sword & sorcery" world anymore.
  6. Eraser Чистильщик



    29 дек 2001
    Cyberpunk is my favorite. Somehow this setting is widely overlooked, even though you can create a variety of worlds based on a simple conception of human-connected-to-computer.
  7. DOS навсегда

    DOS навсегда

    28 янв 2010
    Последнее редактирование: 17 янв 2012
  8. Virgil Администратор



    2 янв 2005
    Aha, try playing it first. The interface will put any accounting suite to shame.
  9. DOS навсегда

    DOS навсегда

    28 янв 2010
    It just tell me my operating system is not adequate to run it... WTF? Can someone else try it and see if it will work and, if so, tell me how you got it to run?

    -DOS forever
  10. molary


    26 мар 2008
    I don't think, that sandbox or "dynamic world" is settings. Settings is a rules of fictional world which become environment for gamer's adventures. It may be fantasy, cyberpunk, steampunk, science fiction etc. Not gameplay. Which setting do you prefer?
    For example, I like different settings, all depend on quality game's plot. But I prefer cyberpunk and rare setting (Planescape: Torment).

    P.S. If you don't understand something from my message, you can ask me about it: I don't know English well. That is why I can write misunderstanding.
  11. DOS навсегда

    DOS навсегда

    28 янв 2010
    I like lots of types of settings, in that respect. To me, setting is less important than game content.

    -DOS forever
    molary нравится это.
  12. molary


    26 мар 2008
    That is true.
  13. MrFlibble


    23 мар 2008
    Come to think of it, it's easier for me to name settings that I don't like, rather than the ones I do. Generally, I'm completely disinterested in the Wild West, WWII and Vientam settings, while those are definitely quite popular among gamers these days. It's not that they really put me off, just I'm not excited about them at all. Similarly, I can't get interested in a pirate-themed game, or a game about the Mafia. Those seem kind of boring to me.

    Ancient and/or medieval settings, on the other hand, that's a completely different story :D
  14. DOS навсегда

    DOS навсегда

    28 янв 2010
    I agree, that does sound interesting. Unfortunately, it's all like they laid out in the Scratchware manifesto. Modern companies only give the green light to game projects which use the same old rubbish themes that they know from experience will sell. It's all about money, not quality of the product.

    -DOS forever
    MrFlibble нравится это.
  15. MrFlibble


    23 мар 2008
    Well that's why I play old games ^_^
    DOS навсегда нравится это.
  16. DOS навсегда

    DOS навсегда

    28 янв 2010
    Heidevolk- Walhalla Wacht - YouTube

    That song always fits. I really don't know why, cause the more time goes by, the less sense it makes even to me, but... golly it's a good song! :D

    -DOS forever
    Последнее редактирование: 8 фев 2012
    MrFlibble нравится это.
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