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  Название игры, год Жанр Платформа
151 Resident Evil: Survivor - 2002 Action Windows
152 ReVolution - 2002 Action Windows
153 Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria - 1995 Quest DOS
154 Rune - 2000 Action Windows
155 Russian Racing - 2008 Racing Windows
156 S.C.A.R.S. - 1998 Racing Windows
157 Sacrifice - 2000 Strategy Windows
158 Safecracker - 1997 Puzzle Windows
159 Saint Seiya Typing: Ryu Sei Ken - 2002 Other Windows
160 SCARAB - 1997 Action Windows
161 Screamer 4X4 - 2000 Racing Windows
162 SEGA GT - 2001 Racing Windows
163 Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator - 1999 RPG Windows
164 Shadow of the Lost Citadel - 2001 Action DOS
165 Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective: Vol. I - 1991 Quest DOS
166 Shooting Girl - 2001 Arcade Windows
167 Snowmobile Championship 2000 - 1999 Racing Windows
168 Soviet - 1990 Arcade DOS
169 Space Ace - 1994 Arcade DOS
170 Space Ace - 2003 Arcade Windows
171 Space Griffon VF-9 - 2000 Action Windows
172 Space Hulk - 2003 Action Windows
173 SpeedRage - 1996 Racing DOS
174 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Fallen - 2000 Action Windows
175 Star Trek: Elite Force 2 - 2003 Action Windows
176 Star Wars: Force Commander - 2000 Strategy Windows
177 Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds - 2001 Strategy Windows
178 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - 2003 RPG Windows
179 Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter - 1997 Simulation Windows
180 Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter - Balance of Power Campaigns - 1997 Simulation Windows