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Описания к играм

  Название игры, год Жанр Платформа
661 Smokin' Guns - 1993 Arcade Windows 3.x
662 Smoking Guns - 2003 Arcade Windows
663 Snakes and Ladders - 2004 Tabletop DOS
664 Snakes and Ladders - 1992 Tabletop DOS
665 Snap Dragon - 1992 Educational DOS
666 Snowmobile Championship 2000 - 1999 Racing Windows
667 Sob-Gelo - 1994 Arcade DOS
668 Sokoban.bat - 2008 Puzzle Windows
669 Solitile - 1989 Tabletop DOS
670 Solitile for Windows - 1999 Puzzle, Tabletop Windows/Windows 3.x
671 Sophie's World - 1997 Educational Windows/Windows 3.x
672 Sorpóker játék - 1993 Tabletop DOS
673 Sowjet-Unterzögersdorf - 2005 Quest Windows
674 Space Ace - 1994 Arcade DOS
675 Space Ace - 1995 Arcade DOS
676 Space Ace - 2003 Arcade Windows
677 Space Math - 1987 Arcade, Educational DOS
678 Space Pirates - 2003 Arcade Windows
679 Spada della Foresta Vivente, La - 1997 Quest Windows/Windows 3.x
680 Spell Castle - 1983 Educational DOS
681 Spoogame - 1990 Puzzle DOS
682 Sports CrossWire! - 1995 Educational, Puzzle Windows 3.x
683 Sports Trivia - 1993 Educational DOS
684 SRAM - 1986 Interactive Fiction Amstrad CPC
685 SRAM - 1987 Interactive Fiction DOS
686 SRAM 2 - 1986 Interactive Fiction Amstrad CPC
687 SRAM 2 - 1987 Interactive Fiction DOS
688 St. Thomas - 1993 Strategy DOS
689 Stalin's Dilemma - 2000 Strategy Windows
690 Stanford Wong Video Poker - 1990 Tabletop DOS